list of upcoming conferences

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Oct 27, 2011
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Hi all!

I'm trying to plan my PGY2 and was hoping to see if there was a list of psychiatry and psychiatry-related conferences somewhere, preferably by month since I have some less-desirable rotations I'd like some conference time during.

Sorry for the run-on sentence.

Thanks in advance.

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While your response was very insightful and helpful, perhaps I should include some qualifying details for future members who will give such dedicated responses as yours.

I am inquiring into upcoming conferences for 2018 and beyond. As a PGY1, I do not know many of the organizations/meetings that exist and permutations thereof (e.g., APA vs subspecialty vs specific conference about psychopharmacology in said subspecialty.) I wonder if organizations time their yearly (or biannually, etc) meetings during specific periods, and if there is a useful resource to navigate this.

PS, if anyone is looking for meetings in 2017, the above link was of super high yield.
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While your response was very insightful and helpful, perhaps I should include some qualifying details for future members who will give such dedicated responses as yours.

I am inquiring into upcoming conferences for 2018 and beyond. As a PGY1, I do not know many of the organizations/meetings that exist and permutations thereof (e.g., APA vs subspecialty vs specific conference about psychopharmacology in said subspecialty.) I wonder if organizations time their yearly (or biannually, etc) meetings during specific periods, and if there is a useful resource to navigate this.

PS, if anyone is looking for meetings in 2017, the above link was of super high yield.

Haha sorry, the point of the joke was that the response was about as detailed as the question. There are hundreds of conferences, and it would be impractical for us to list all of them here, especially when you could get the same information by just googling the topic. That's probably the reason why nobody else responded.

To answer your new question... yes, there are a lot of conferences in the spring/summer period. My personal favorite is the American Neuropsych Association in March. I'm not a big fan of APA, but I think that SoBP (also in May 2018 in NYC) makes it worth the trip.

But really, the best conferences are the ones in your subspecialty of interest. The big general "psychiatry" conferences will be full of crappy posters and general-purpose talks that are no more insightful than your residency didactics... they're really useful for people who are out of residency and need CME. You'll probably enjoy subspecialty conferences a lot more, but it depends on your subspecialty of interest.
My favorite is the Nevada Psychopharm in Vegas. A friend recommended Stahl's NEI Synapse and I thought the slides were decent. That is also in Vegas next spring and I don't need a solid excuse to go to Vegas so I might do both. I'm a big fan of NOLA also and am considering Psych Congress in September. I'm going to this in a couple of weeks:
Psychiatry in 2017
I heard good things about Nevada Psychopharmacology so I went to the last one. I was quite disappointed. Meeting room smelled of cigarette smoke, food was poor, and the staff was disorganized.

I think I remember you noting that in another thread. The lectures weren't as good this year as compared to 2016 but I didn't notice any smokey smells except when walking past the casino floor. I thought the food and never ending snacks were great in fact I had to increase my running schedule because I put on a few pounds, lol.

Edited to add: I also like LV because its a large conference so I end up running into former colleagues or acquaintances and its nice to catch up.
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There should be a website or something with reviews of med conferences. Maybe there is... Do u know any www with reviews?
Not that I’ve seen. MGH C&A Psychopharmacology Conference is good. I plan to be there in 2018.

Thanks I'm going to try to make this one. I've been to several up there put on by HMS and love spending a few days in that neighborhood.