LMU DCOM opens PT and OT school. 120,000$ tuition 90,000 Tuition respectively (not including fees)

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Sponsored by the DO school itself so this is the proper forum.

Assuming they will share classes (MGA OMM, FMHC, etc) with OMS students diluting the already poor quality education. They probably will also share LAB SPACE, study rooms, cubicles, etc and they STILL DO NOT HAVE A MEDICAL LIBRARY AT LMU HARROGATE CAMPUS THAT IS SPECIFIC FOR GRAD STUDENTS. SORRY OMS STUDENTS, THE MIGHTY DOLLAR WINS AGAIN.
Can you say 200-250K total debt to make 70K per year.

Quantity before quality!!!!!!!

WOOT WOOT government sponsored student loans reign supreme!!!!!

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This won’t change until the feds turn off the unlimited federal loan spigot and put a reasonable cap on what you can borrow for education. I know that’s not a popular take (from the free medical education/loan forgiveness crowd), but these programs don’t have any other incentive to charge reasonable tuition when they know people want to attend and they can get the $$ from the feds

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This won’t change until the feds turn off the unlimited federal loan spigot and put a reasonable cap on what you can borrow for education. I know that’s not a popular take (from the free medical education/loan forgiveness crowd), but these programs don’t have any other incentive to charge reasonable tuition when they know people want to attend and they can get the $$ from the feds

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They say you cannot put a price on an education
They= Universities

Private loans only would likely lower prices and only provide loans for legitimate degrees, not hobby degrees. AKA most things
The way the title is written, you make it sound like they're $120 and $90,000 per year, not for the entire degree. I disapprove of LMU as much as the next fella, but there's no need to sound like you're exaggerating.

They say you cannot put a price on an education
They= Universities
Private loans only would likely lower prices and only provide loans for legitimate degrees, not hobby degrees. AKA most things

Lol, wut? Private loans seek to make money, not provide people with access to education. I agree tuition is getting even more ridiculous (and it already was). But this statement fundamentally ignores the fact that:
-Government loans were created as a means to provide people access to education WITHOUT predatory rates and tactics
-Private colleges exist and they don't give a hoot about people's wellbeing or ability to achieve financial solvency. Why would private loans? So long as you are obligated to pay them back until you die, they can just hedge their bets knowing they'll get SOMETHING out of you, or they can straight up just say no.
-If you really believe private loans are the better option, why do people avoid them unless absolutely positively necessary? It probably has something to do with the fact that they're barely regulated, require people to start paying back sooner, and charge whatever interest rate they want. Gross.
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