Loma Linda

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Mar 22, 2012
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It has taken me a while to write the supplemental essay questions for Loma Linda and I just received an email from them saying to turn in my application before the August 14 deadline. I didn't realize the deadline was so near! Technically if I turn it in by this week I will be the "last batch". Is it even worth it to apply at this point?

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It has taken me a while to write the supplemental essay questions for Loma Linda and I just received an email from them saying to turn in my application before the August 14 deadline. I didn't realize the deadline was so near! Technically if I turn it in by this week I will be the "last batch". Is it even worth it to apply at this point?
Didn’t you already pay the application fee? You just gonna waste that hundred some dollars?
It has taken me a while to write the supplemental essay questions for Loma Linda and I just received an email from them saying to turn in my application before the August 14 deadline. I didn't realize the deadline was so near! Technically if I turn it in by this week I will be the "last batch". Is it even worth it to apply at this point?
I think they give you a month to submit your secondary app. Don't worry, I submitted mine on the date of my deadline (which was Oct 5th) and I still got in :D It was a post-Dec interview though, but it still led to an acceptance :) I stay still apply, it's a really good school. I loved it.
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I think they give you a month to submit your secondary app. Don't worry, I submitted mine on the date of my deadline (which was Oct 5th) and I still got in :D It was a post-Dec interview though, but it still led to an acceptance :) I stay still apply, it's a really good school. I loved it.

OOOOOH. you're right! each person has their own deadline. Out of the schools I applied to I think they're the only one that gave me a hard deadline (everyone else just said to turn it in asap so that the committee can view your app) Thank you for letting me know!! I'm actually less stressed now and I'm going to turn it in! haha. :)
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Same. Their supplementary questions are so tedious. Been procrastinating on them for about 3 weeks now.....