Looking for feedback on my application

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Mar 30, 2024
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I am currently a senior pre-med student hoping to re-apply this upcoming cycle after applying last cycle. I did not get any interviews this past cycle and I wanted some feedback on what I could be improving on. I did take my MCAT late in august so my application was on hold till september.
Here are my stats and activities:
GPA : 3.73
MCAT : 501
Shadowing: 200 hours in a pediatric clinic, 100 hours in an internal medicine clinic and around 40 in a cardiovascular clinic
Research: One year researching prescription drug abuse
Volunteer: 25 hours at an emergency department, another 25 in a medical unit, 60 hours volunteering at a non-profit organization that is a shelter for teen moms, and around 40 with the march of dimes as a youth leader
Work: Have been a general chemistry lab prep for the past two years, I work at a camp that teaches kids how to code over the summer and in my gap year I plan on working as a Medical Assistant.
Other extracurriculars: I was the recruitment chair of my sorority and have been a prominent member on eboard for my schools hip hop team the past two years.

I am looking for ways to improve on my application so any feedback would be great!

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I would highly suggest 2 gap year before applying again (1 gap year to build your application, and the second for applying), speaking from personal experience. You don't have a lot of clinical experience going on (other than shadowing, since adcoms are also looking for direct patient care experience as per https://www.aamc.org/media/18901/download, page 15), and non-clinical volunteering too. I think this along with your MCAT is what is holding you back.

Really make use of this gap year. It is great you are getting experience as an MA now, and keep that going until you apply and get in. Great way to get in 1000+ hours of clinical experience.

On the weekends (or maybe after work or on weekdays, depending on how your schedule is), try to get volunteering with the underserved community. I think that non-profit organization helping teen moms is great. Continue doing that, and maybe pick up one more non-clinical volunteering such as a soup kitchen, homeless shelter, foodbank, etc. Especially in your gap year, try to volunteer like 8-12 hours a week and rack up your hours (you can easily break into the 400+ hours if you stay dedicated to the grind, maybe even 500+).

I would highly suggest you to retake your MCAT, and shoot for 513+ (so that you are above the average matriculant). Your GPA is great and requires no further work on it.

If I were you, this would be my game plan:
  • Study for MCAT from now (and plan to take it either in September or in January)
  • Work part-time as an MA (until you give your MCAT, the moment you are done with your MCAT, start working full time)
  • Continue volunteering with the shelter for teen moms, and pick up another volunteering gig (from the ones I mentioned).
  • Keep a journal for any interesting interactions you had on your jobs/volunteering (helpful when you go for re-writing your primaries and secondaries)
  • Start re-writing you primary and secondaries in February so that by end of May you are good to go and submit on day 1.

This is one thing I regretted this cycle. I was in a similar position to you, and would've been better off if I did not apply this cycle, and took a gap year doing as I mentioned. I already had an app prepared, but low MCAT, and low non-clinical volunteering. This cycle I got 2 IIs, but was on the WL for 6+ months for both. I did all like I mentioned above, and sent in an update letter, and heard some good news. You got this.

Edit: Also, don't forget to enjoy your gap years! I discovered new hobbies and I ended up talking about them in my interviews which they loved! Gap years are a lot more relaxed than college, and so make the most of them. This will be the least stressful time of your life before you start your medical journey, so be sure to enjoy it too!
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You aren’t ready to reapply. Reread @SpicyHotSauce ‘s post. It’s a good plan.
Where did you apply? What is your state of residence? Why did you take the MCAT so late?
So many questions but without answers we’ll have a hard time helping you.
The best thing you can do is take at least 2 gap years and build a good application. And for heavens sake, stop shadowing. You only need 50 hours. And fill in the grid that @Mr.Smile12 provided for you.
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