Looking for genuine advice, please help if you can

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Nov 26, 2018
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Hello to all SDN users,

I am looking for advice on where I should steer my medical career. I am a 24 year old man enrolled at a local university’s post bacc program currently. Here’s a little background on my story.

From 2017 to 2024, I spent six years at my state university and local university after, during of which I earned a 1.135 science gpa first year, 1.00 science gpa second year, 3.0 science gpa third year, 3.6 science gpa fourth year, 3.6 science gpa fifth year, 3.4 science gpa sixth year and finally a 3.31 science gpa seventh year(should I get all As during the summer). I have taken General Biology I twice in 2017, earning a D and a C, then General Chemistry I twice in 2018, earning a F and then a C, General Chemistry II twice, a W in 2021 and a B+ Fall 2023, Organic Chemistry I once in Spring 2024, earning a C and General Physics I once in Fall 2023, earning a B and General Physics II once in Spring 2024, earning a C.

I tried my absolute hardest in Spring 2024 while taking Organic Chemistry I, General Physics II, Anatomy and Physiology II and Genetics at the same time. I put in over 280 hours but unfortunately the reality is earning C’s in Orgo I and Physics II is an incredibly bad look, especially given that I am trying to contrast it with a reinvention story.

In Jan of 2022, I was diagnosed with ADHD and have started taking medication as appropriate. Ever since then, I went from a Cs and Ds student to a B+/A student. With the exception of a few Bs, two C’s and a C+, the last two years my grades have always been B+/A on average. In fact, these were 25 stem/upper level classes that I performed in. With Summer of 2024 approaching, I will be tackling Orgo II, Biochemistry I and Microbiology. I have two months before the classes begin and I plan on working even harder to make sure I secure the As and come back to the upward trend narrative.

I need advice on how I should explain this to admissions. My plan is to be transparent and disclose my ADHD diagnosis. Including use of medication. I know ADHD is dramatically over diagnosed but in my situation, going from an average of Ds and Fs in stem to As/B+s is a story worth explaining in my personal narrative.

I know my chances are once again not looking too good with my recent performance in Orgo I and Physics II but genuinely in my heart, I have put in more hours than the next guy. I studied every single day for hours and it was one of those situations where I could not control the situation. How can I explain this to admissions and make sure that they don’t see it as my slipping to old habits, other than acing the summer 2024 courses?

I initially sought to take a gap year, study for the MCAT, hopefully do well and then apply. However, with this new situation, I suspect I might need more reinvention. At this stage in my career, I am financially left dry so I am thinking of pursuing a ABSN second degree program back at my state university near home for commute, work for three years and try to accumulate as much clinical experience, study for the MCAT and then apply to DO medical schools only.

My chances at MD schools are slim to none, but I have heard DO medical schools reword reinvention and as a matter of fact, AACOMAS factors in nursing courses part of their science gpa, as they are more lenient. Correct if I am wrong please.

I have all the necessary extracurriculars, which include being a firefighter for 13 months, three research publications and more incoming, leadership positions in clubs and more. Keep in mind this only happened after the diagnosis of my ADHD. With three additional years as a nurse, I believe I should have all the necessary clinical experience as well, as I am severely lacking in that department. Please let me know if I am heading the right direction, I am genuinely lost and all my advisors have told me to give up and pack it home. I do not know who else to turn to at this point.

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I forgot to mention my cumulative as of now is a 3.1 college gpa, 3.2 science gpa, as per the AACOMAS scaling
What's your timeline for taking the MCAT then? Have you asked for accommodations?

Did you grow up in a mostly rural or underserved community setting?

Have you reached out to DO schools where you would consider attending?

You can choose to be as transparent as you wish with your ADHD, but get feedback to how far you need to explain. There will be opportunities in your applications to do this.
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Thank you for the reply. I plan on taking the MCAT three years after I accumulate the clinical experience as a nurse. I have tried for accomodations but every time I try, I get either denied or the process is very length and costly for me to follow through. I might try again for when I attempt the MCAT for the first time. As for growing up, I am a naturalized immigrant who moved through 8 different states throughout my education. I have not thought about reaching out to the DO schools but I might give them a call now. Do you believe waiting to pursue nursing to improve my science gpa with nursing classes as well as accumulate clinical experience is the right move? I could risk it and study for the mcat and apply straight ahead but I have exhausted my finances and my parents need me to support them. I can not gamble my life and theirs on a off chance of getting in. I know it's frowned upon to pursue nursing as a "fallback" without genuine reasons but I am seven years in with loans and my parents need help, I am not sure where to go from here. I have belief I can still do medicine with the past hardwork but letting two prereq classes deter that is a bit depressing, even after putting genuine work. I don't know.
Another thing is that I want to dedicate this time for three years to do some soul searching while working as a nurse by becoming a substance abuse/alcohol counselor and a suicide counselor. I also want to publish as many research publications on the ADHD brain, my first two papers were on neurosurgical publications but last one was on ADHD. I genuinely want to study the neuropsychology of the ADHD brain while also helping those in need as a substance abuse/alcohol counselor and suicide counselor. I need more purpose and soul searching but I am not sure if its the correct decision.
Before you embark on your nursing studies, I would check with the admissions teams first. What suggestions would they have for you? You cannot anticipate what could happen with your finances or family over the next three years, and you seem concerned that your window of opportunity is shutting to become a physician.

If you are having difficulty getting accommodations now, find out why you are being denied.

If you find that being a counselor is satisfying without the major financial or time costs involved, would you consider becoming a clinical psychologist (PsyD)? We have a subforum on that if you would like more feedback. Alternatively, doing neuroscience research is also worthwhile.

If being a doctor is what you want to become, would you want to spend time in a postbac program or Special Masters Program? Ask the admissions teams and perhaps some postbac program directors about this.
Okay I am going to lay all of the above with an admissions team and see if they can help as well. Thank you.
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