Looking to see if I am on the right track

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New Member
Nov 21, 2021
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Hi I am a freshman looking to get feedback on what to do going forward in order for me to be in the best position that I can be to apply for med school in a few years. Any help is appreciated!

  • T10 Ivy
  • PA resident
  • URM (African American male)
Academic Criteria
  • Neuroscience
  • cGPA = 3.92 , sGPA = 3.91
  • MCAT: N/A
Volunteer Hours
  • Clinical Hours: EMT at university with about ~100 hours
  • Shadowing: None yet, I intend on emailing within the next week in order to get some gig for the summer
  • Non-Clinical Volunteering: ~100 hours in a science summer camp
  • I want to do some hospice care activities as well in this category
Leadership (bad so far)
  • On two committees for emergency medical response team
  • I have questions about this section. Wondering if this should be something clinical, or if med schools care about starting clubs, does TAing count etc. Just kind of lost here
  • ~50 hours paid in biological plant lab (stopped this)
  • ~150 hours unpaid in a brain cancer research lab (very passionate about this research with brain cancer playing a huge role in why I want to go into medicine)
  • This summer I will be doing clinical research on patients with cancer as well that would be about 400 hours paid
  • Chemistry and math tutoring
  • Library assistant
Any guidance would help honestly. Just would appreciate suggestion in the right direction in terms of ECs. My goal is a t10/t20 med school so I will definitely try to keep my grades up and apply to early admission programs, but in the meantime anything will help. Thanks in advance.

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Great job! Keep up your grades. Don't overdo the EC's too much if it starts to overwhelm you. Take a look at the FlexMed Icahn/Mt. Sinai Program for next year! Leadership doesn't need to be clinically related. Starting and successfully running clubs is great! TAing can go under leadership or teaching, depending on your responsibilities.
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Great job! Keep up your grades. Don't overdo the EC's too much if it starts to overwhelm you. Take a look at the FlexMed Icahn/Mt. Sinai Program for next year! Leadership doesn't need to be clinically related. Starting and successfully running clubs is great! TAing can go under leadership or teaching, depending on your responsibilities.
Ooo yes I definitely intend on FlexMed and also Penn Med's internal program for direct matriculation for URMs. Thanks alot for your help.
Have you started connecting with SNMA/MAPS chapters? Do you have a mentor or are part of a mentoring group for African American males yet? (I can make a reference by DM if you want.)