LOR letterhead question

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10+ Year Member
May 28, 2010
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I wanted to ask you all something regarding LORs.
My previous supervisor is writing a letter for me, but she doesn't work for the agency where she was my supervisor.

Should she use a letterhead from her current job or one from the agency where we worked together??

I don't know if this is a big deal, but was wondering if one option is better than the other.


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I wanted to ask you all something regarding LORs.
My previous supervisor is writing a letter for me, but she doesn't work for the agency where she was my supervisor.

Should she use a letterhead from her current job or one from the agency where we worked together??

I don't know if this is a big deal, but was wondering if one option is better than the other.


If she's able to get a letterhead from the previous agency where you worked together, I think it would be better...seems more legit.