60 y/o male with complaint of unilateral left lower extremity burning pain x 2 years. Starts in his buttocks and the pain goes to his knee. Pt denies any trauma, falls, weakness or atrophy. The pain is worse when he tries to elevate the left leg, standing, or bending. Pt denies any weight loss. Pt with minimum back pain. (+) shopper's cart sign. The neurontin seems to help with the pain
Physical Exam:
SLR negative both legs.
Reflexes: Absent Left achilles reflex , and 2+ Right achilles.
Bilateral patella symmetrical.
Sensation from L4-S1 dermatome about the same.
Strength-weak left hip flexor 4- vs right 4-5.
5/5 bl knee extensors/flexors. 4-/5 on left dorsiflexion and 4+-5 on right.
R EHL 4-5. left EHL impaired due to h/o toe fusion. Weak FHL on right 4- to 4+, and Left FHL impaired 2ry fusion.
NCS Results:
30 % difference on the AH tibial motor side to side. The left side slightly slower.
> 50% difference on the EDB motor side to side. Lower on the left side (2.5 vs 5).
No difference on bilateral TA motor side to side.
Left Sural SNAP was absent and completely present on the right (7 to 8 uV).
Left Sup Peroneal SNAP was slightly lower (4-5) than the right Peroneal SNAP (6-7) but within 50%.
Hreflex absent on the left leg, and normal on the right (~32).
Limited Needle EMG of left Gastroc, TA, and Left L5/S1 paraspinals was clean.
I know how I should have considered EMG of the TP, EDB, Gluteus Medius or Maximus.
At this point my question is whether you would consider Pelvic Imaging for this patient.
MRI Lspine showed mod-severe DJD throughout lumbar disc, central canal stenosis L2-3, and L4-5 due to disc bulge. Mod-severe foraminal stenosis L5-S1.
Physical Exam:
SLR negative both legs.
Reflexes: Absent Left achilles reflex , and 2+ Right achilles.
Bilateral patella symmetrical.
Sensation from L4-S1 dermatome about the same.
Strength-weak left hip flexor 4- vs right 4-5.
5/5 bl knee extensors/flexors. 4-/5 on left dorsiflexion and 4+-5 on right.
R EHL 4-5. left EHL impaired due to h/o toe fusion. Weak FHL on right 4- to 4+, and Left FHL impaired 2ry fusion.
NCS Results:
30 % difference on the AH tibial motor side to side. The left side slightly slower.
> 50% difference on the EDB motor side to side. Lower on the left side (2.5 vs 5).
No difference on bilateral TA motor side to side.
Left Sural SNAP was absent and completely present on the right (7 to 8 uV).
Left Sup Peroneal SNAP was slightly lower (4-5) than the right Peroneal SNAP (6-7) but within 50%.
Hreflex absent on the left leg, and normal on the right (~32).
Limited Needle EMG of left Gastroc, TA, and Left L5/S1 paraspinals was clean.
I know how I should have considered EMG of the TP, EDB, Gluteus Medius or Maximus.
At this point my question is whether you would consider Pelvic Imaging for this patient.
MRI Lspine showed mod-severe DJD throughout lumbar disc, central canal stenosis L2-3, and L4-5 due to disc bulge. Mod-severe foraminal stenosis L5-S1.