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Aug 17, 2002
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Well, my gpa is not that great. When I graduate my gpa will be like a 2.9 or 3.0. However I do have reasons for my freshmen year, very serious and legit reasons. And since then no problems. Anyways, I am a psychology major and I am thinking of pursuing my masters while my husband is stationed up here in Alaska for 2 more years. If I finishe my masters and I kick ass on that, and then kick butt on the MCAT, there is a chance right!!!!!

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Originally posted by lilmacstew
Well, my gpa is not that great. When I graduate my gpa will be like a 2.9 or 3.0. However I do have reasons for my freshmen year, very serious and legit reasons. And since then no problems. Anyways, I am a psychology major and I am thinking of pursuing my masters while my husband is stationed up here in Alaska for 2 more years. If I finishe my masters and I kick ass on that, and then kick butt on the MCAT, there is a chance right!!!!!

just for inspiration. I'm getting my masters at Hopkins, and my firned (who's also in the same program as I) was recently accepted to medical school. His undergrad GPA...2.90. I have no clue on his master's GPA but it's probably in the 3-3.25 range.
You've definitely got a great chance considering that most Master's programs are more rigorous than undergraduate work. So if you do well at a higher level, and work the MCAT, you should be a great candidate. But don't feel like you've got to get a Master's degree in order to get in. If you kick ass on the MCAT, and you've can explain your grades (as you've mentioned), combined with other things, you can still be an excellent candidate.

I also have a friend who is in a Bio Master's program, low undergrad GPA, but she's doing extremely well in her Master's program, got some excellent research experience, and did well on the MCAT. She didn't apply early (make sure you do this regardless of a great application or not!), so she has done secondaries and is now playing the waiting game...