match results percentages

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Apr 16, 2008
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Hi, when considering a school's match results, is there any way of knowing the number of people who match out of number of people who applied to a residency? Is there a term for this? Is this something some schools post and others don't? Thanks for any info.

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Do you mean number of people who apply vs. number of people who end up matching?
doesnt just about everyone match? ive heard about 'the scramble' or w/e but ive also heard that there are far more residency spots than applications (and obviously some specialties always fill up and some dont) as a whole.

or do you mean % that get into their first choice residency? or % that get a residency in their field of choice?
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well, i mean # of ppl who got into the field of their choice. for instance, what if a school matched 8 ppl into optho, but 10 applied. do schools keep track of that type of thing? that seems more important than the actualy number of ppl who got in, no?
well, i mean # of ppl who got into the field of their choice. for instance, what if a school matched 8 ppl into optho, but 10 applied. do schools keep track of that type of thing? that seems more important than the actualy number of ppl who got in, no?
Schools do keep track of that info, but information that specific is usually not made available to anyone but administration.
Schools do keep track of that info, but information that specific is usually not made available to anyone but administration.

This is true.

The percentage for every school is pretty high though. Also, I feel the number is more a function of the school's ability to guide their students and not so much their curriculum.