Math prerequisites for medical school?

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10+ Year Member
Jul 9, 2013
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Okay, so i am aware of all the basic prerequisites in place for medical school admission.

2 semester physics
2 semester gen chem
2 semesters organic chem
2 semesters of bio
2 semesters of written English
2 semester of calc/stats+

My main concern is for the math prerequisites.

I am not sure if one class of calculus and one class of statistics will work.
or do they want two classes of calculus and above?

Also will the class called "Calculus for Biological Scientists" count toward this prerequisite, as it is required by my major. It must be taken with a 300 level statistics class.

If it won't the only other math class i have the option of taking for my major which is a step up is called "Calculus for Physical Scientists", which also must be taken with a 300 level statistics class.

So if neither of these two calculus classes will work for the prerequisites, i will have to take an outside calculus class of my major.

So what i am asking will on of the above two sequences work for my math prerequistie (Calculus for Biological Scientists) and Stats 301.

I am attending Colorado State University if that helps.

Any and all information/advice is much appreciated.
Thank you.

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I'd go with Calc 1 and Stats. That's sufficient for most schools, and Calc 2 and 3 will probably just damage your GPA (they are not easy classes by any means).

If it helps, what I did was 1 semester of stats + took credit for Cal 1 & 2
I'd go with Calc 1 and Stats. That's sufficient for most schools, and Calc 2 and 3 will probably just damage your GPA (they are not easy classes by any means).

If it helps, what I did was 1 semester of stats + took credit for Cal 1 & 2

Will "Calculus for Biological scientist" work?

That is the name of the course, not calc 1 or 2, but the statistics course is called "Introduction to Statistical Methods".
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Will "Calculus for Biological scientist" work?

That is the name of the course, not calc 1 or 2, but the statistics course is called "Introduction to Statistical Methods".

You should look at the department that offers it. Is it MATH?

I think taking standard Cal 1 is safer than "Calculus for Biological Scientists". I'm not saying it won't be accepted (I actually have no clue, you'd have to do the research), but I don't see why it'd be more advantageous than just taking Cal 1.
You should look at the department that offers it. Is it MATH?

I think taking standard Cal 1 is safer than "Calculus for Biological Scientists". I'm not saying it won't be accepted (I actually have no clue, you'd have to do the research), but I don't see why it'd be more advantageous than just taking Cal 1.

Ya it's in the math department, but i think it would be safer just to take stand calc 1 anyways.
Ill probably also speak with my pre-med adviser about it.

Thanks for the help.
If we have AP credit for calculus and Stats from high school, will we still need to take math in college or will the credit count for med school?
FWIW Calc 1 & 2 are not hard.... I found them to be the most fun to do. Then again, it really is also a functino of who the teacher is. I happen to have had an awesome one, so that certainly helps. If your Uni is known to be tough in math particularly because of bad faculty in that area then steer away from Calc II if need be but I doubt you will be able to get away from Calc I without being looking bad to Adcoms.