MCAT PS & BS Strategy?

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10+ Year Member
Aug 6, 2012
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I'm curious to see what kind of approaches you guys have to these passages

Do you read the entire passage then look at the questions or go to the questions and come back to the passage?

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quick scan of passage, go to questions, refer back to the passage to do questions.

This is mainly because a lot of the time, you will go through the entire passage and take the time to understand the whole thing, and then the questions only address like, 35% of the passage contents.

And then you say "what the f***, AAMC."
My first line of defense-err I mean strategy is: I say to myself that this is a critical thinking test, not a brute Memorization/Regurgitation test. That way, I will find myself trying to not dig random scientific facts from the depths of my mind/memory, but try to see if I can make sense of the passage and answers.

Yeah well in the very likely case Plan A doesn't work, I do the "pick the answer that is not like the others" approach. Also incorporated is the "too good to be true answer can't be true"

And if that doesn't work (which is also very likely if 2 answer choices are very close) then I do the "What letters have been my last 3 choices---oh eff it choose C" OR "pick the letter that fits the trend nicely"

Then I look back and notice that I have a string of 4 C's and go like -___________-

Then I say "what the f***, AAMC."
quick scan of passage, go to questions, refer back to the passage to do questions.

This is mainly because a lot of the time, you will go through the entire passage and take the time to understand the whole thing, and then the questions only address like, 35% of the passage contents.

And then you say "what the f***, AAMC."

+1 - agreed. Quick, but not too quick (that's what she said?)