mcat refund

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Sep 15, 2002
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Hi, does MCAT refund your money if you registered early and something important comes up where you will not be able to take the test?

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DoctorSaab said:
Hi, does MCAT refund your money if you registered early and something important comes up where you will not be able to take the test?

OMG How could you ever think anything was more imortant than taking the MCAT when you planned on taking it!!?
anothertbmember said:
OMG How could you ever think anything was more imortant than taking the MCAT when you planned on taking it!!?

i am wondering that too. If u do take your mcat in april and you cancel it. isn't it risky to take it in august because you won't be able to see your scores. unless you are taking it in your sophmore year or something.
Um, I was just making fun of the whole Pre-allo thing, I wasn't being serious. If something important comes up, life is more important than a plan. But, you kids do what you need to do. I took 5 years to do undergrad. I'm in a good school. Don't get too caught up in thinking that your life will end if things don't go exactly according to what your pre-med advisor told you was the way to do things (those people are useless anyway). As for the refund thing...I have no clue, good luck.
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booboo said:
i am wondering that too. If u do take your mcat in april and you cancel it. isn't it risky to take it in august because you won't be able to see your scores. unless you are taking it in your sophmore year or something.

there have been plenty of people who took it in august and still get accepted. there are many more important things that i would do besides taking the mcat if something should happen. life sometimes gets in the way of plans, and if it was really important, well, sometimes you have to put your original plans on the back burner for the time being.

but i really have no clue with refunds. maybe they might give you a partial?
I believe they give you a partial refund but not the full refund.

Maybe like half of the money back or something to that extent. That's what I recall.

But not sure of the exact amount of money.
DoctorSaab said:
Hi, does MCAT refund your money if you registered early and something important comes up where you will not be able to take the test?

They only give you a refund of $100 that's what the MCAT essentials handbook says.
Erli said:
They only give you a refund of $100 that's what the MCAT essentials handbook says.

Yes. This info is correct. It's also found at the aamc website. This is directly from the FAQ section:

"I have already registered for the MCAT but will not be able to take it. Can I get a refund?

If you submit your registration to the MCAT Program Office and then, for whatever reason, do not attend the test, you are eligible for a partial refund of your registration fee.

The maximum refund for the regular registration fee is $100.00. Additional fees paid for a Sunday test center or for late registration are not refundable.

Refund requests must be postmarked no later than 60 days after the test date on your Admission Ticket. You should receive your refund within 90 days after the test date.

To obtain a refund, write "REFUND" across your unused Admission Ticket. If you paid your fees by credit card and wish to have the refund credited, please write the credit card number and expiration date on the Admission Ticket. Otherwise, the refund will be issued in the form of a check payable to you. Please also indicate a change of mailing address, if necessary. Mail your unused Admission Ticket to: Refund Request, MCAT Program Office, PO Box 4056, Iowa City, IA 52243-4056."
Well, some things are conflicting for now at that time. (Yes it is more important than MCATs -- believe it).

Hopefully it can be resolved
I may be in the same situation.. I know you are only allowed to take the test 3 times, till u need special permission. Does this time that he won't be showing up to count as 1 strike??
Best not or I'll be pissed. I dont think it should since your name doesnt even go in. If you didnt even take the test, how would they know?

I'm just preparing as much as I can right now, and letting it go. When time comes, and things are taken care of, I might just go ahead and give it a shot. It would suck if plans change again and I also cancelled my registration for the MCAT. They say you have 60 days to send in your unused pass. Might as well wait.
If you get a refund before the test administration like say right now, then it won't count as part of your 3 strikes. However, if you void your test on the day of the test, then it will count as one of your three strikes.