MCAT study while fasting (no food/drink)

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Jul 8, 2012
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Hey! So as some of you may have heard Ramadan just came in (woott) and Muslims all over the world will restrain from food and drink from sunrise to sunset for the next 30 days! I was wondering if anyone had any study strategies for this month. I took off from work till my Mcat test day (8-23) and Ramadhan ends about 3-4 days before my exam. So I'm not taking the exam while fasting but certainly will be studying for it while fasting.

Any recommendations? I was thinking studying after eating a nourishing meal around 4AM till 1PM. Sleeping till about 4-5P. Review some more from 5-7. Break fast. Eat a meal. Hit the gym lift some weights. Come back eat dinner around 11. Then sleep at 12 wake up at 3 and repeat. I've read articles about how humans are evolutionarily more efficient at sleeping when doing it in pieces (2REM cycles around 180 mins each time twice) so I'm going to test out this 3 hour sleep deal.

Anyone have any recommendations? Any ramadan Mcat veterans on the forum?

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Hey! So as some of you may have heard Ramadan just came in (woott) and Muslims all over the world will restrain from food and drink from sunrise to sunset for the next 30 days! I was wondering if anyone had any study strategies for this month. I took off from work till my Mcat test day (8-23) and Ramadhan ends about 3-4 days before my exam. So I'm not taking the exam while fasting but certainly will be studying for it while fasting.

Any recommendations? I was thinking studying after eating a nourishing meal around 4AM till 1PM. Sleeping till about 4-5P. Review some more from 5-7. Break fast. Eat a meal. Hit the gym lift some weights. Come back eat dinner around 11. Then sleep at 12 wake up at 3 and repeat. I've read articles about how humans are evolutionarily more efficient at sleeping when doing it in pieces (2REM cycles around 180 mins each time twice) so I'm going to test out this 3 hour sleep deal.

Anyone have any recommendations? Any ramadan Mcat veterans on the forum?

Ramadan Kareem!

Exactly a year ago, I was fasting while studying for the MCAT; I also fasted while taking the MCAT (alhamdulillah, I got a 37).

The study schedule you proposed looks fine. I did this:
-Slept from 12 to 3 am, then got up and ate suhoor
-Slept until 9 am
-Studied from 9 am until 4 pm (this is the only block of time I allotted for studying)
-Nap for about 1.5 hours
-Relaxed until iftar, then went to the masjid to pray taraweeh
-Returned home, went to sleep

Make sure you "reward" yourself with time to relax at night (I guess hitting the gym's fine, if that works for you). It's easy enough for a regular MCAT-prepper to burn out, but fasting adds somewhat of an additional challenge. And remember to make du'a for a good score every night when you break your fast. Tawfeeq, insha'Allah.
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Jazakullah Khair OC! Ramadhan Kareem and thanks for the du'a.

Rest and reward is definitely important for my memory especially since i wont be eating much. I'm going to try out your schedule and mine and see what works best for me. Thanks again for the advice!

Another question: you scored amazing mA! What material did you use?
Ramadan Kareem!

Yeah, I'm kind of worried about the whole fasting thing as well. I've been looking at older posts from other years, and there seems to be people on both sides of the spectrum - some saying it makes it easier, some say harder.

I was also thinking of studying right after suhoor, but realistically I'll most probably be dead tired to even wake up at 3/4am!! (Today being an example.)
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iA it'll be okay. I'm planning on taking it while fasting and I'm hoping my prep goes well because I'm not distracted by food haha. My scores are super low, so I'm praying for some BIG improvements within the next month.
I was wondering if anyone would post a topic relating to Ramadan and Studying lol

First of all Ramadan Kareem to all , this is really a great month :)

I'm not sure how my schedule is going to be but before Ramadan started I was getting into the habit of studying from 8-9 pm till 4 am or so.
I havent done anything today so far I studied till 5 AM prayed fajor read Quran went to bed around 6 woke up for Jumah and ran errands now just chilling lol , but I should study I have a bunch of things to cover 3 more books actually of TBR my test is in Sept insh allah khir its really a time to focus
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Another question: you scored amazing mA! What material did you use?

Alhamdulillah! I took a TBR prep course in Berkeley and used their materials, in addition to ExamCrackers for verbal and the previous AAMC exams.

Yeah, I'm kind of worried about the whole fasting thing as well. I've been looking at older posts from other years, and there seems to be people on both sides of the spectrum - some saying it makes it easier, some say harder.
(Today being an example.)

My exam was actually at 8 am, so fasting didn't make a huge difference. Right after the test, I went to pray Jumuah (yes, it was Jumuah too!), then went home and slept till Iftar. That was the best Iftar of my life.

It's your personal choice, but if I may, I'd encourage you to fast or make the intention to attempt it. Everything is in the hands of Allah; trust Him and He will facilitate your affairs for you in ways we cannot fathom.
Thanks Ochemnerd! Mine's on Friday at 8am also, and so far I'm planning on fasting during it. iA it goes well!! Hahaha, I'm excited (and scared) for it to be over though! That way I can actually enjoy Ramadan without focusing on the mcat!
Hey! So as some of you may have heard Ramadan just came in (woott) and Muslims all over the world will restrain from food and drink from sunrise to sunset for the next 30 days! I was wondering if anyone had any study strategies for this month. I took off from work till my Mcat test day (8-23) and Ramadhan ends about 3-4 days before my exam. So I'm not taking the exam while fasting but certainly will be studying for it while fasting.

Any recommendations? I was thinking studying after eating a nourishing meal around 4AM till 1PM. Sleeping till about 4-5P. Review some more from 5-7. Break fast. Eat a meal. Hit the gym lift some weights. Come back eat dinner around 11. Then sleep at 12 wake up at 3 and repeat. I've read articles about how humans are evolutionarily more efficient at sleeping when doing it in pieces (2REM cycles around 180 mins each time twice) so I'm going to test out this 3 hour sleep deal.

Anyone have any recommendations? Any ramadan Mcat veterans on the forum?

Ramadan Mubarak! To be honest, I couldn't imagine pulling the kind of scheduling you're talking about, :/. I'm just going to PRACTICE earlier before I'm too fatigued and then do light studying/content review up until Maghrib. I guess you'll get a feel so it after a few days, iA.
And some encouragement for everybody, iA:

The Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wa salaam) "Indeed, Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) loves for each of you, when he works at something, to perfect it."

Strive for your absolute best! :) When you think of knowledge is an act of faith and remember all the ajr we can gain from such a career, it helps with motivation. Make du'a -- after salah, in sujood, before a test (bismillah), when stressed.
Ramadan kareem everyone.

I'm really glad someone made this thread, because I was just wondering about this. My exam is 8/4 and the last day to change it is tomorrow. I've already changed it twice this summer (from Sept to July then to August), but my family is really stressing me out about this test and I've only done a few practice sections and I'm just finishing up content today. Plus since I didn't take physics at all I had to basically learn that from scratch all summer so my strength areas are turning out to be my weak areas since I had no time to practice them.

Part of me really wants to take it just to get it over with though. My family told me not to fast on the day of the test since it's 1 pm - 6ish but I feel guilty about it.

Although I really agree with Ochemnerd, when you said "Everything is in the hands of Allah; trust Him and He will facilitate your affairs for you in ways we cannot fathom."....

This test is really killing my Ramadan excitement :(

I think though I will just take it and pray for the best inshAllah, I think taking it and retaking in Jan if I have to is better than just delaying and delaying it...
or take 1 year off from fasting so that you can study for the mcat with normal brain function, get into med school, make a difference in the world.. I think most people would agree taking 1 year off wont kill you.. Or fast after your mcat, be a later bloomer.
Ramadan kareem everyone.

I'm really glad someone made this thread, because I was just wondering about this. My exam is 8/4 and the last day to change it is tomorrow. I've already changed it twice this summer (from Sept to July then to August), but my family is really stressing me out about this test and I've only done a few practice sections and I'm just finishing up content today. Plus since I didn't take physics at all I had to basically learn that from scratch all summer so my strength areas are turning out to be my weak areas since I had no time to practice them.

Part of me really wants to take it just to get it over with though. My family told me not to fast on the day of the test since it's 1 pm - 6ish but I feel guilty about it.

Although I really agree with Ochemnerd, when you said "Everything is in the hands of Allah; trust Him and He will facilitate your affairs for you in ways we cannot fathom."....

This test is really killing my Ramadan excitement :(

I think though I will just take it and pray for the best inshAllah, I think taking it and retaking in Jan if I have to is better than just delaying and delaying it...

1. No dont follow the previous poster advice, fasting has been prescribed onto all Muslims and we are required to do it. He doesn't sound like a Muslim but maybe I am wrong.

2. No don't do that, take the MCAT when you are ready. If you have been doing good on the practice exams AAMC's, than you should by all means take it that day. If you are not ready why go through that pain of getting a low score and feeling sad all year. AAMC is a very accurate predictor of what your real score would be. If anything, take the exam maybe when Ramadan is over, my friend took his after Ramadan and alhum. he got into medical school this year. Its all about making dua. Ask your local shaikh on if you should fast or not, if you are feeling good about your recent AAMC score; because its at 1pm. Allah swt knows your intentions, and you expressing that you will feel guilty of not fasting will be seen by Allah swt. This is your life exam, I also am taking this exam either on the 16th or 23rd but I am going to ask my local sheikh on what the ruling is. Anyways Make dua for me! I just started waking up to study and I'm deaddddddd. I shouldnt have slept!, sleeping makes you drain all that ATP that was made.

Ramadan Schedule for those who care lol

Sahoor- 1pm (about 9 hours Studying
1pm-2pm Break
3-5 (Review Certain things)
5- Sleep!!, Chill, Read Quran, Listen to some Islamic Lectures
10-Pray Tarawi (All 20 Inshallah-Only soldiers pray all 20 haha)
12-3 (sleep)

Should Get at least 8-11 good hours of studying
Should get at least 6-8 hours of sleep
Other 5-8 Hours- Quran, Family, Taraweh Etc.
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1. No dont follow the previous poster advice, fasting has been prescribed onto all Muslims and we are required to do it. He doesn't sound like a Muslim but maybe I am wrong.

2. No don't do that, take the MCAT when you are ready. If you have been doing good on the practice exams AAMC's, than you should by all means take it that day. If you are not ready why go through that pain of getting a low score and feeling sad all year. AAMC is a very accurate predictor of what your real score would be. If anything, take the exam maybe when Ramadan is over, my friend took his after Ramadan and alhum. he got into medical school this year. Its all about making dua. Ask your local shaikh on if you should fast or not, if you are feeling good about your recent AAMC score; because its at 1pm. Allah swt knows your intentions, and you expressing that you will feel guilty of not fasting will be seen by Allah swt. This is your life exam, I also am taking this exam either on the 16th or 23rd but I am going to ask my local sheikh on what the ruling is. Anyways Make dua for me! I just started waking up to study and I'm deaddddddd. I shouldnt have slept!, sleeping makes you drain all that ATP that was made.

Ramadan Schedule for those who care lol

Sahoor- 1pm (about 9 hours Studying
1pm-2pm Break
3-5 (Review Certain things)
5- Sleep!!, Chill, Read Quran, Listen to some Islamic Lectures
10-Pray Tarawi (All 20 Inshallah-Only soldiers pray all 20 haha)
12-3 (sleep)

Should Get at least 8-11 good hours of studying
Should get at least 6-8 hours of sleep
Other 5-8 Hours- Quran, Family, Taraweh Etc.

Jazak Allahu khair for the advice and you sound like you have a great schedule. InshAllah you'll do great on the MCAT. I think you should take it on the 23rd, since 5 days is not a lot of difference in terms of when you'll get your score, plus Eid is on the 20th so Ramadan would be over.

I'm not even applying this year so I actually think I won't be ready by Sept either since Eid is on the 20th. I'm gonna discuss it with my parents but I think I will take it anyway, possibly void, and take the test in January. This is a very blessed month and there is no need to stress out :)
I've flipped my whole routine because of the late iftar/early sehri times.

I open iftar, about an hour later leave for traveh, get done and home around 12. Study from 12ish to 7-am, then sleep till about 2:30, wake up study until 6:45ish, then gym for an hour, and then home in time to open iftar. And repeat.
This has been working out for me for the past few days:

I'm in NY so our suhoor is around 4AM and Iftar around 8:20PM

8:20P - break
8:20-10:00 - eat, pray, chill, gym light weight
10:00 - 11:00 taraweeh 8rkts usually
11:00 - 3:30AM - study hardcore
3:30 - 4:20 - eat, pray
4:20- 12:00 - sleep!!
12:00PM - 6PM - study grind
6:00PM - 8:20 PM - cook, pray, chill, etc.
8:20 - break (and repeat)

I might be changing this up when Ramadan ends as my test is at 1PM. Most likely I'll sleep early at around 12, and wake up at 7-8. Study all day, hit the gym, sleep and cycle. I have maybe 4 days after Eid before my exam iA!

I pray everyone has retained their focus during Ramadan while studying iA :) and Jazakullah khair to everyone for sharing their thoughts!
This has been working out for me for the past few days:

I'm in NY so our suhoor is around 4AM and Iftar around 8:20PM

8:20P - break
8:20-10:00 - eat, pray, chill, gym light weight
10:00 - 11:00 taraweeh 8rkts usually
11:00 - 3:30AM - study hardcore
3:30 - 4:20 - eat, pray
4:20- 12:00 - sleep!!
12:00PM - 6PM - study grind
6:00PM - 8:20 PM - cook, pray, chill, etc.
8:20 - break (and repeat)

I might be changing this up when Ramadan ends as my test is at 1PM. Most likely I'll sleep early at around 12, and wake up at 7-8. Study all day, hit the gym, sleep and cycle. I have maybe 4 days after Eid before my exam iA!

I pray everyone has retained their focus during Ramadan while studying iA :) and Jazakullah khair to everyone for sharing their thoughts!

Nice schedule! I wasn't coming up with a good schedule. I think I'm gonna try that today:)
man I was doing great the first few days now but I have no energy , I'm thinking of delaying the test till Jan, I can only manage to study after iftar from 11-3:00 am sleep in and get up really tired not focused at all
I'm a muslim. I just have one question: If fasting really is the way to do it then why do many atheists get into medicine too? I don't mean to offend. I've been thinking about it for a while and would appreciate an answer to it.
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I'm a muslim. I just have one question: If fasting really is the way to do it then why do many atheists get into medicine too? I don't mean to offend. I've been thinking about it for a while and would appreciate an answer to it.

Err sorry I don't understand your question? We just apply and get in like any other applicant? Or get rejected like any other rejectee. :confused:
I'm a muslim. I just have one question: If fasting really is the way to do it then why do many atheists get into medicine too? I don't mean to offend. I've been thinking about it for a while and would appreciate an answer to it.

No one claimed that fasting improves MCAT score. I'm a Muslim, and I don't see any correlation.

Fasting is something between you and Allah (if you believe in him). Your true reward will be in the afterlife. In this life, however, your reward is feeling an inner peace and having a clarity of mind knowing that you're serving a greater purpose.

Regardless, please don't derail the thread.
Salaam everyone!

I'm taking the test on the 10th iA (while fasting), though I kind of wish I could postpone it to after Ramadan. May Allah keep us all focused and allow us to study it out without being affected by the fasting, iA! You guys are in my duas!
Not fasting would mean you can focus more. That's why you should have eaten well before studying (or writing an exam)... Isn't this a critical moment in your life when you must study as hard as you can and do well (an emergency)? I think it is justified in this case to not fast when you need to be maximizing your studying performance to achieve your life's career. Consider it like a travel (or war in the worst case) where you need to be eating or you would be screwed. If you think you can handle it, like some others did here, then go ahead, but I think you would get a higher mark by not having a starvation response in your body. I think it is justified to not fast when your life's career is on the line. Remember that there are real life situations and human limits that are considered in Islam, and trying to foolishly toughen up through some fragile situations does not make you a better Muslim, only unwise (and possibly gone astray).
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Let's not get into a discussion of fasting vs. not fasting while taking a test... What you choose to do is your choice, and what I choose to do is mine.

EDIT: I understand there are exceptions in our religion, but I don't personally think eating 4 hours before the test vs. eating 2 hours before the test is a big enough difference to skip a day of fasting. That's just my choice, and if you'd feel more comfortable skipping, that's your choice. I can't comment on whether or not its justified, but I didn't think it was a big enough of a deal to bother finding out about from an imam. I'd personally feel more guilty if I had to take the test while not fasting and think that would be worse for my performance honestly. There have been studies showing fasting can be beneficial to brain function, and I personally think most of the impact of fasting, at least early on in the day, is more psychological than anything else.

I'm not going to discuss this any further. There are certainly some specific situations in which we are exempted from fasting; whether or not you consider this test to be one of them is up to you. At any rate, I'm not fasting out of some desire to "toughen up," I'm doing it because I feel its my duty. Anyways, it's not like the AAMC is forcing me to take the test on the 10th; I chose to. I could have picked a date after Ramadan, but didn't because I didn't want this test to be on my mind the whole month. If you have an alternate situation forcing you to take the test during Ramadan when you'd rather not have, and you don't want to fast because of that then that's your choice, and I'm sure Allah will be understanding of your situation.
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Ok. It's up to you. But I think you're wrong about it being your duty. If you're willing to delay your application by a year to fast this month, then that's up to you. You decide how important it is to save a year. You shouldn't be delighted you wouldn't be fasting, just doing what you have to do (studying). Good luck either way. I was just trying to help you with real concepts.
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