Med-Gemini beats Radiologists

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15+ Year Member
Apr 18, 2006
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You had a good run as Radiologists, but it looks like Med-Gemini has you all beat:

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Maybe with more training, you too can diagnose a stroke in the basilar ganglia and then highlight this to the world as a major accomplishment.

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The radiologist didn’t miss the “infarct,” they labeled it under chronic white matter disease, which is probably frankly more accurate. Moreover, they’re white matter, not basal ganglia, infarcts.
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The radiologist didn’t miss the “infarct,” they labeled it under chronic white matter disease, which is probably frankly more accurate. Moreover, it’s an external capsule / subinsular white matter, not basal ganglia, infarct.
I'm not sure if my sarcasm translated. Google Health AI is promoting their model's ability to diagnose a "basilar ganglia" stroke that was "missed" by a Radiologist. It was missed because there is no such thing as a basilar ganglia. This was released as a non-reviewed publication and is making the pop media rounds and it makes Google look extremely foolish and careless. If you are claiming that you beat a Radiologist by catching something he missed then you better be sure that your result is crisp.
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I'm not sure if my sarcasm translated. Google Health AI is promoting their model's ability to diagnose a "basilar ganglia" stroke that was "missed" by a Radiologist. It was missed because there is no such thing as a basilar ganglia. This was released as a non-reviewed publication and is making the pop media rounds and it makes Google look extremely foolish and careless. If you are claiming that you beat a Radiologist by catching something he missed then you better be sure that your result is crisp.
Yeah I picked up the sarcasm. I’m just further rolling the eyes.