Med school transfer due to caamhp uncertainty.

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Jul 5, 2019
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Hi all! Please give me good advice.
I'm another med student. I have done MD 5 so far.and my NBME Score was 27 an year back today it is 37. ecfmg changes are near and my med school is probably not going to be accreditated?

Im struggling with loan from my prevoius med school and planning to transfer into a good med school with low tuition fee. Due to poor academic performance and financial issue, I'm unable to decide if i should continue to transfer into med school and prep for step1 as my family will not be left with any savings . And might face living crisis if i dont do well on USMLE journey. And dont pass step2 or don't match into residency.

I definitely love studying and it is still my dream to be a doctor. I feel deepressed if i have to leave medicine and change lines 🙁 but reality is my low score and weak financially. Plus ECFMG changes are on January 1 2024. If i need to change med school then it has to be done before next year. No aacreditated med school will accept a student of non accreditated school.

How should my approach be ? What are other good med school i could tranafer to before ecfmg changes come into play?
Should i continue medicine ? What all other courses can i pursue in this field? What should i do ?

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I have to be blunt--it seems this is your second medical school, and you're not close to scoring on the NBME where you would be expected to pass USMLE step 1. You're already facing a financial crisis from your debt.

You gave this your best shot. But this is a sunk cost. Even if you somehow pass your USMLEs, it's difficult to imagine how you're going to also transfer to another (better?) school and then match after attending 3 medical schools. it's time to leave medicine.

The specific path you should take probably depends on your interests and the circumstances in your home country.
I would love some input on this: I was thinking of either transferring to a US med school after giving mcat, if med schools accept that , i don't know about this pathway Or restart medicine in US school. Considering low cost med schools accept me.
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If you're struggling in your current school, no US school is going to consider you. In general, just matriculating to a medical school will make most US schools no longer consider you. And transfers are incredibly rare. If you're an international student, the barriers are even higher. And there are almost no "low cost" medical schools in the US.
I was thinking of either transferring to a US med school after giving mcat, if med schools accept that , i don't know about this pathway Or restart medicine in US school. Considering low cost med schools accept me.
US MD schools rarely consider transfers (even from other US MD schools). I don't know of any (in recent times) that have allowed international transfers.

This is the most recent information from the AAMC for international applicants: Applying to Medical School as an International Applicant

Even among the 40 or so MD schools that consider internationals, an escrow account with some or all of the cost of attendance may be required. In other words, you need to have the cash up front to matriculate.

In summary, none of the bolded above will work, given your circumstances.
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I would love some input on this: I was thinking of either transferring to a US med school after giving mcat, if med schools accept that , i don't know about this pathway Or restart medicine in US school. Considering low cost med schools accept me.
Not gonna happen, sorry.