Med schools require FULL COURSE LOAD?

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10+ Year Member
Apr 24, 2012
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Med schools require full course load??? I'm going into senior year and was wondering if I need to enroll in full course load. I have previously taken summer courses so I have enough credits to graduate.

Any help please, thank you. Cheers

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Med schools require full course load??? I'm going into senior year and was wondering if I need to enroll in full course load. I have previously taken summer courses so I have enough credits to graduate.

Any help please, thank you. Cheers

Most importantly..DO WELL in your courses. You can be loaded with 7 courses, doing two degrees(like astrophysics and quantumn molecular chemistry) and still not get accpeted because you are not showing med school you are learning.
I'm not concerned with overloading, but i'm wondering if I DON'T take full course load for my senior year, will that have any affect on the application. Does anyone know?
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This is wrong.

If it's your last semester it doesn't matter. Just do ECs
agreed. OP i did a 5th year and my last semester I only took 2 classes because that was all I needed at that point. during that last semester I started working nearly full time and added a lot of new volunteering. i think adcoms understand that tuition is expensive and if you don't absolutely NEED to be paying for a full semester course load than that's okay. just make sure you use your extra time wisely, and make sure that the classes you have already taken have shown your ability to succeed in med school.
I'm not concerned with overloading, but i'm wondering if I DON'T take full course load for my senior year, will that have any affect on the application. Does anyone know?

As long as you graduate before you matriculate no one will care. Schools generally put a line in their acceptance letters that states that they expect that you will continue your level of academic performance, but I think that's speaking more to grades than anything else. I wouldn't be worried about it.

(sent from my phone - please forgive typos)
From the time I save for taking less courses, I plan spending it on my thesis and perhaps throw in a couple volunteer hours too.

Thanks for the advice everyone.
People take gap years and don't take full course loads then. Just have a sufficient amount to put on your application so that it isn't assumed that you were playing Xbox all day.
The importance of a full course load after four years is a different story.

As long as your time is productively filled (especially by research) I'm sure you'll be fine. I'd still advise against lightening your load if you don't absolutely have to.

I'd give the opposite advice and suggest that taking fluff classes to fill out a course load when you only need a couple classes to graduate sounds crazy. As people have said, have something else to do instead so it doesn't look like you slacked on the couch in front of the X-box all day (even if you did, get rid of the appearance of that) and there's no reason to take a full load.