Medical School Admissions Interview

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5+ Year Member
May 8, 2017
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Hey, So i'm admitting to med school in israel, and from what i've seen - the interviews are pretty much the same here and in the US. The problem is, we don't have a good online course on that here so I thought of taking a good interview course online(recorded). Can you recommend me one that is really good? Thanks! :)

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chenged, Thanks!
And to answer your question regarding online resources to prepare for medical school interviews...there aren't any true courses as you have requested. However, there are great resources online though that can help you prepare. You can literally google "medical school interview questions" and you can prepare answers to some of the popular/most-used questions. One that will definitely be asked at some point is: "Why medicine?/Why do you want to become a physician?" I say certainly formulate an articulate answer for that that is unique to you.

Also, if some Israeli med schools use MMI style interviews, then there are tons of MMI examples on YouTube. Just search "MMI med school" in YouTube and you'll find tons of help with MMI.

I hope this answered your question! and good luck!:luck::xf: