Medical School Admissions

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Apr 29, 2019
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I am a freshman student at VCU and have a 4.0, however, I am planning on transferring to a university that I consider as my dream school since VCU was my last choice and I do not enjoy my time here, however, I do have a 4.0. I was wondering if the rigor or prestige of the college attended affects medical school admissions (a 4.0 at UVA being taken over a 4.0 at VCU) and if I should reconsider my transferring plans.

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You are doing well at VCU despite not enjoying it. How would you feel about going to a school you enjoy but walking out with a 3.5 over 3 years. Would you like to apply with a GPA of 3.625 from VCU+UVA against someone with a 4.0 from VCU?

GPA is a much more important metric that the school where it was earned.
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I am a freshman student at VCU and have a 4.0, however, I am planning on transferring to a university that I consider as my dream school since VCU was my last choice and I do not enjoy my time here, however, I do have a 4.0. I was wondering if the rigor or prestige of the college attended affects medical school admissions (a 4.0 at UVA being taken over a 4.0 at VCU) and if I should reconsider my transferring plans.

Prestige of college does matter more for high tier medical schools, but if you can maintain that 4.0 GPA at VCU and do very well on the MCAT, along with solid extracurriculars and/or research/publications, you may have a chance at interviews at those high tiers. It's not uncommon to see people who go to state schools ending up at very good medical schools. Sometimes it's better to be a big fish in a small pond.
I'd like to know why you are not enjoying your college experience. Sometimes you just have to suck it up, as life is like that anyway.
The AAMC did a survey (that I will try to post later). It stated that UG institution was considered important for private schools and not important for public schools. So make of the transfer what you will. I am apparently in the minority here but I think you should go to a place that makes you happy and that you feel comfortable in. I think you will end up doing better in the long run
GPA and MCAT are king. VCU is also a big nationally recognized name with a very respected med school. The difference between UVA and VCU will be negligible in terms of respect or prestige.