MERCER DPT class of 2016

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Jan 15, 2013
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Hey everyone! I was wondering if anyone has been accepted to Mercer DPT class of 2016 yet?

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Did you get accepted?
i haven't heard anything yet
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but i interviewed last week
Good luck! You'll get in, I didn't get an interview.
congrats CMV! Im currently a first year at Mercer, feel free to ask me any questions regarding the school!
I was just wondering if anyone got "The Call" from Dr. Taylor or if they know someone who has been accepted. I hadn't received anything until 4:45pm today when I got an email stating that I had been put on the alternate list.
I got that same email and so did my friend! Also wondering if anyone got accepted!
I read in one of the other threads that they have another round of interviews in March so I'm guessing/hoping that it was a mass email and that they're probably going to make their decision after the interviews.
I had an interview with Mercer on March 20th and they told us that their class was already full and the last set of interviews was just for the wait list