Mercer DPT

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7+ Year Member
Jul 18, 2014
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Does anyone have any experience with Mercer and know when interview invitations might be extended?

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I have applied also and havent heard anything. When did you submit your PTCAS/ Secondary?
I applied as well, no word yet beyond a confirmation email that my application was complete on 9/15.
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Im a little weary of the extra volunteer setting. I have some volunteer experience as a mentor with middle school guys but I dont know if that will meet their requirements. What are your thoughts /
I feel uncertain about my volunteer experience meeting their criteria myself. I suppose it depends on how broadly they define volunteer work, but working as a mentor sounds like it would be fine.

I did a good chunk of hours for a group pairing mentors with underserved children/teens, but the remaining hours are composed of volunteer work for a non-profit group that offers self defense and martial arts training to women and children (in excess of 3000 hours). I am worried about them not counting it, but at this point, I can't change it 🙂

I sent an email to the admissions department asking if they have a timeline they can share re: sending out interview info, but not hopeful of receiving a response today, as it's almost 5PM there (I'm on West Coast).
Someone on the other post said she went to the open house and they said the first interview date is Nov 15. I haven't heard anything either, besides the confirmation that they have all of my materials. Hopefully we'll hear something soon!