Move to other role for higher pay or stay put due to excellent PTO - what would you do ?

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15+ Year Member
Feb 11, 2008
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Hi, guys . I’ve posted here previously about my current role working from home for a PBM for 3 years now. Prior to this role , I worked retail for 9 years and left in 2022. Anyway, my current role has been nearly stress free , chill , comfortable , and I am a solid performer based on metrics , feedback , etc . Overall pretty happy. The problem is I am vastly underpaid for my years of pharmacist experience- I am at $56 an hour for 40 hours a week but I do get a bonus of plus or minus around $5k before taxes . I’ve been a pharmacist for twelve years now and when I left retail I had to take a pay cut of 10% to get my current role - at the time my rate dropped to $52/hour . I’m at $56 now due to raises and I’m about to see another raise next week due to annual performance review . I suspect my raise will likely bring me up to $57-$58/hour . I see too many posts on Reddit and other forums online where so many pharmacists , including non-retail , are making about $5-$10 more than I am per hour . I’m feeling financially behind compared to most pharmacists at this point . I should ideally be making $63-$66 an hour . Some pharmacists are hitting $70/hr . What is holding me back ? I have excellent PTO- 28 days (includes vacation/sick time ) plus 8 holidays . I get a lot of time off , far more than most pharmacists and only 3 years in . Would you look for other positions that offer higher pay $6-$10 an hour more OR stay put in my role despite the lower pay and just look internally within my company to see what other higher paying jobs they offer ? I believe I already know the answer - look internally within my PBM if I want more money . I am realizing that $5-$10 an hour more will disappear by leaving and commuting to work, spending on professional attire , meals, and other random **** . Also, I’m aware I will likely only get offered half the PTO I currently have . So, what would you guys do ? I know everyone is crazy about work from home - I get it . But money is also king especially with inflation etc . At what price would you leave your WFH for more money and perhaps less PTO? I am not leaving at this time , by the way . I am just trying to see what I am going to do to end up with a higher paying role . I truly believe looking internally is the best choice but I want to hear insights from other pharmacists . Thanks .

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I’m pretty sure we are roughly the same age…

Hell, I’d stick it out if I was in your shoes…40s QoL starts to matter more. Focus on yourself & personal goals…money isn’t everything & time off, comparatively good work conditions, & health matters more as time flies by. Cut back (lifestyle creep) if possible, hammer savings, investing, retirement funds.

“Comparison is the thief of joy”
I’m pretty sure we are roughly the same age…

Hell, I’d stick it out if I was in your shoes…40s QoL starts to matter more. Focus on yourself & personal goals…money isn’t everything & time off, comparatively good work conditions, & health matters more as time flies by. Cut back (lifestyle creep) if possible, hammer savings, investing, retirement funds.

“Comparison is the thief of joy”
Thanks for your response . Close to 40s, yes- age 38. Definitely agree with you but you wouldn’t look to do a lateral move within your PBM/employer for a higher paying role possibly ? Not even leaving your company, just checking out what other RPH roles the company offers that may pay a little more ? At 3 years in , it would also be easier to move into a different role as an internal candidate. It would be nice to make more, stay with my employer, and keep my European amounts of PTO .
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Five and a half weeks of vacation?! Damn.
Five and a half weeks of vacation?! Damn.
Yes, that’s right , 28 days of PTO . I’m just not too thrilled about pay . I will likely stay put with my employer but simply look into making a lateral move into another rph role . PBMs such as express scripts , cvs Caremark , etc typically have many different pharmacist roles . If I can find another role I also like and pays a bit more , I’d be set . I live in a high cost of living area and I just find it ridiculous how even on nearly $120,000 a year , it is still tough out here . I live in south Florida and in my city the typical person makes no where near $100k and rents are easily $2k a month. You can very easily find rents/mortgages for $2,500-$3,000 a month or more . I don’t know how people are doing it here . I’m ok but my salary certainly doesn’t take me as far as it did 8-10 years ago .
I’d personally stick it out unless someone else offers you a remote role for more money. Otherwise you’re loosing any raise in commuting costs and sunken costs.
Yes, that’s right , 28 days of PTO . I’m just not too thrilled about pay . I will likely stay put with my employer but simply look into making a lateral move into another rph role . PBMs such as express scripts , cvs Caremark , etc typically have many different pharmacist roles . If I can find another role I also like and pays a bit more , I’d be set . I live in a high cost of living area and I just find it ridiculous how even on nearly $120,000 a year , it is still tough out here . I live in south Florida and in my city the typical person makes no where near $100k and rents are easily $2k a month. You can very easily find rents/mortgages for $2,500-$3,000 a month or more . I don’t know how people are doing it here . I’m ok but my salary certainly doesn’t take me as far as it did 8-10 years ago .
I feel you. I live in an East Coast city with probably the same COL as your city in south Florida. I make somewhere between $200k-$240k as a dentist and still find it pretty tough.