MSAR is amazing me: MCAT score ranges

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Jun 26, 2003
Reaction score
MSAR gives score ranges for each particular school. I found that there are some schools (i.e.: Wake Forest) that accepted a person with a 4 in BS. A few other schools have accepted people with a 3 in VR. I just got a presecondary rejection from Wake forest with 33 in MCAT and english is not my first language. For the most part, it seemed like 6-7 was the minimum for the most schools which is reasonable. These scores leave me wondering about things though...

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Sadly, politics is a factor in pretty much everything. These people with their 3s and 4s probably had a connection to a university that most of us don't have. No good worrying about what you can't change though. Focus on doing what you can to distinguish yourself and don't worry about how others made it in.
3 seems pretty low. Then again, maybe the candidate had 15s in both sciences, a great GPA, and amazing ECs. I guess you never really know what goes into making an admissions decision. That said, I don't recall the curve breakdowns I've looked at but you'd have to get quite a few questions wrong to get a 3 on a section, especially paper/pencil since only that info is in MSAR.
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MSAR is kind is of odd, and it seems that us news has different numbers and even some schools post different numbers on their web pages. Though I'm sure some randoms get in with very very low scores in mcat subsections.
Sadly, politics is a factor in pretty much everything. These people with their 3s and 4s probably had a connection to a university that most of us don't have. No good worrying about what you can't change though. Focus on doing what you can to distinguish yourself and don't worry about how others made it in.

politics, connections, urm status, legacy, or other non-quantitative measures like amazing EC's

Completely agree with last statement. In fact, disregard outliers because for the most part they don't apply. Put your best foot forward and hope for the best.