MWU MBS 2018

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10+ Year Member
Apr 14, 2014
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Hi all,

I was wondering if anyone had heard back from MWU's MBS (2 year) program? I applied initially to their one year in January after retaking my DAT/worked as a dental assistant the past year and a half/ shadowed/sold my soul/ jk --but was unfortunately denied into the program today, feeling really discouraged right now, ugh.... but was told that I am able to send over my application onto the 2 year Masters of Biomedical Sciences Program. Not sure if its too late, but I did this today. I really hope that there is still hope... but if anyone has sent theirs over already and if they got a response, and wouldn't mind sharing their stats that would be great, not sure how long its going to take them to reply to me now since I waited 3 months for a rejection letter:rage: good luck to everyone

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Hi there! So I actually recently got accepted to the MBS program beginning this fall. I had originally applied to CCOM but unfortunately didn't get an interview invite. They offered me a chance to transfer my application over to one of their Masters programs for free so I figured why not and was accepted about two weeks later to the 2-year one.