Navy still hasn't paid tuition!

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Resident Ghostbuster
10+ Year Member
15+ Year Member
Jul 24, 2006
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I've been in school for about 2 months now, I started getting my stipend about 1.5 months ago, but they still haven't paid my school yet. So my school is starting to get antsy. Nobody from HPSP has answered my or my school's calls/emails in the past month. Anybody else in this situation or have an idea?

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You could drive there and demand they see you. ;)

Uh... I had a problem with not getting the right amount of money, but nothing as serious as you are having. I would call your recruiter ASAP and then just start calling all the numbers listed in the HPSP directory for the Navy. If they hang up on you, keep calling and see if you can get a sympathetic ear and maybe they can direct your call or get up and walk across the hall to another cubicle and see what is up?

But, how can they not answer their phones? Are you calling the same person? Maybe they aren't there.

But when I had questions I always called my recruiter and my recruiter could get in contact with the right people.
I've been in school for about 2 months now, I started getting my stipend about 1.5 months ago, but they still haven't paid my school yet. So my school is starting to get antsy. Nobody from HPSP has answered my or my school's calls/emails in the past month. Anybody else in this situation or have an idea?

Tuition usually gets paid by mid-term. You say you have e-mailed OH?
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Army HPSP is slow too. (Haven't paid yet). My school contacted the recruiter and she did actually write back with a timeline,
Army HPSP is slow too. (Haven't paid yet). My school contacted the recruiter and she did actually write back with a timeline, it was all CC'd to me.
Just e-mail [email protected] and explain your situation. They usually get back to you within 2 days and if they do not you are supposed to send the same e-mail again with the subject line saying 2nd request and they respond to those e-mails first. Remember to always be professional, it will go a long way in getting the help you need.