NBME 12 discussion

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Dec 4, 2009
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1 v max 1 enzyme is 300 and 2 nd 30 compare the Km values

km1 is 10 times km 2
km1 is 1/10 km2
we cant compare

2 upregulation of which protects from ARDS is IL 10

3 which anti hypertensive restores back potassium other k sparing

4 a 14 years old brougt to physian because mostly sleeping withdrawn and complaining of abdomen pain 3 weeks , what history will u take first...should we recretion drug history....options school history , devlopmental, family history

5 a drug given in two patients obese and normal given same doses graph ploted with conc on y axis and time on x , slope of normal person is greater
compared to normal person drug x in obese has

greater VD/ lower bioavailability / higher clearance/ shorter absorption

6 pedigree given four genrations AD 1st genration gene seq 4 5 6 changes to 156 cause...is it recombination

7 cytoplasmic enzyme mutated at 127 alanine replaced by serine why reduction of enzyme activity

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so it's asking what is 2pq right since this is autosomal recessive dz (if X linked recessive the carrier freq in male is q and q2 for female.)

q = 1/200 and p = 1

2pq = 1/100
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8. A 21 yr old man comes to the emergency dept in the winter b/c of headache, nausea, and dizziness for 4 hours. He has not had fever, chills, or shortness of breath. He has no hx of major medical illness. He lives in a basement apartment of a three story house; no one else in the house has similar symptoms. He smokes 2 packs of cigarettes daily. Physical exam shows no abnormalities. Which of the following pathophysiologic processes best explains this pt's symptoms?

A. acidosis causing shifting of the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve to the Rt.
B. activation of nicotinic receptors in locus caeruleus
C. cerebral arteriolar constriction caused by increased carbon dioxide conc in the blood
D. competitive inhibition of oxyhemoglobin formation
E. inactivation of cytochrome oxygenase by cyanide

How do you distinguish cyanide poisoning from CO poisoning? From my understanding both cause a red flush and both block complex 4 of ETC