Need help choosing academic programs as DO

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7+ Year Member
Dec 26, 2016
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Hey guys,

Basically title. I'm a recent orthopaedic surgery switcher after realizing Im not passionate about the OR or surgery in general. That being said, I have a good step2 (256) and Level2 is pending, with 3 publications and 5+ research experiences/poster presentations (all with orthopaedics).

I realized I love psychiatry and is the only field in which I see myself thriving and being happy in. Would love to get into an academic program anywhere in the northeast/midwest area. Just wondering which ones I should be targeting without a significant psych background.

Thank you!

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Just look for programs that have DOs in their classes and write a personal statement clearly explaining why you switched. Psych is competitive enough these days people aren't worried about us being used as a backup and it is very common for students to not realize they like psychiatry until they actually get to the clerkship.