Need help with personal statement for SMP/post bacc

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7+ Year Member
Dec 31, 2015
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I was just wondering if there were people who would be willing to look over my personal statement? I realize there are people who do this for medical schools, but many of them are too busy/unwilling to do so at this time of the year since it's the end of the med school application cycle. I'm applying to five special master programs and have not yet applied to medical school and could really use someone's help!

Thank you in advance!

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I was just wondering if there were people who would be willing to look over my personal statement? I realize there are people who do this for medical schools, but many of them are too busy/unwilling to do so at this time of the year since it's the end of the med school application cycle. I'm applying to five special master programs and have not yet applied to medical school and could really use someone's help!

Thank you in advance!

I'd be happy to help out. Just pm it to me anytime.