What are the various neurophysiologic classifications (NCS/Needle EMG) that people use for diagnosising these various conditions?
1) radial neuropathy
2) brachioplexopathy
3) axillary neuropathy
4) suprascapular neuropathy
5) cervical radiculopathy
6) lumbar radiculopathy
7) peroneal neuropathy
8) tibial neuropathy
I've tried high and low to find them I've found 1 article that discusses for CTS and 1 for ulnar neuropathy. But nothing for the rest.
Here is what I have for ulnar neuropathy at the elbow:
Neurophysiological classification of UAE
1. "Negative UAE (NEG): normal findings on all tests
2. Mild UAE (MILD): slowing of ulnar MNCV across elbow and normal ulnar SNAP;
3. Moderate UAE (MOD): slowing of ulnar MNCV across elbow and reduced amplitude of ulnar SNAP;
4. Severe UAE (SEV): absence of ulnar SNAP (fifth digit-wrist segment) and slowing of motor nerve conduction velocity (MNCV) across elbow
5. Extreme UAE (EXT); absence of hypothenar motor (and sensory) response.
With regard to the NEG class (absence of neurophysiological abnormalities in a clear picture of UAE), we can consider this group to represent false-negative cases. With regard to the EXT class (absence of motor and sensory responses), the occurrence of this condition implies the practical impossibility to demonstrate UAE.
Here is what I have for CTS:
Mild: Motor DL-Normal; Sensory Latency (D2-wrist)-Prolonged or Normal; Mixed Latency(Palm-wrist)-Prolonged; F response minimal latency-Prolonged; CMAP amplitude (mV)-Normal; Spontaneous activity in APB-No
Moderate: Motor DL-Prolonged; Sensory Latency (D2-wrist)-Prolonged; Mixed Latency(Palm-wrist)-Prolonged; F response minimal latency-Prolonged; CMAP amplitude (mV)-Normal; Spontaneous activity in APB-No
Severe: Motor DL-Prolonged; Sensory Latency (D2-wrist)-Prolonged; Mixed Latency(Palm-wrist)-Prolonged; F response minimal latency-Prolonged; CMAP amplitude (mV)-Low Amplitude; Spontaneous activity in APB-No
Articles/References/Links are highly appreciated. Thanks!
1) radial neuropathy
2) brachioplexopathy
3) axillary neuropathy
4) suprascapular neuropathy
5) cervical radiculopathy
6) lumbar radiculopathy
7) peroneal neuropathy
8) tibial neuropathy
I've tried high and low to find them I've found 1 article that discusses for CTS and 1 for ulnar neuropathy. But nothing for the rest.
Here is what I have for ulnar neuropathy at the elbow:
Neurophysiological classification of UAE
1. "Negative UAE (NEG): normal findings on all tests
2. Mild UAE (MILD): slowing of ulnar MNCV across elbow and normal ulnar SNAP;
3. Moderate UAE (MOD): slowing of ulnar MNCV across elbow and reduced amplitude of ulnar SNAP;
4. Severe UAE (SEV): absence of ulnar SNAP (fifth digit-wrist segment) and slowing of motor nerve conduction velocity (MNCV) across elbow
5. Extreme UAE (EXT); absence of hypothenar motor (and sensory) response.
With regard to the NEG class (absence of neurophysiological abnormalities in a clear picture of UAE), we can consider this group to represent false-negative cases. With regard to the EXT class (absence of motor and sensory responses), the occurrence of this condition implies the practical impossibility to demonstrate UAE.
Here is what I have for CTS:
Mild: Motor DL-Normal; Sensory Latency (D2-wrist)-Prolonged or Normal; Mixed Latency(Palm-wrist)-Prolonged; F response minimal latency-Prolonged; CMAP amplitude (mV)-Normal; Spontaneous activity in APB-No
Moderate: Motor DL-Prolonged; Sensory Latency (D2-wrist)-Prolonged; Mixed Latency(Palm-wrist)-Prolonged; F response minimal latency-Prolonged; CMAP amplitude (mV)-Normal; Spontaneous activity in APB-No
Severe: Motor DL-Prolonged; Sensory Latency (D2-wrist)-Prolonged; Mixed Latency(Palm-wrist)-Prolonged; F response minimal latency-Prolonged; CMAP amplitude (mV)-Low Amplitude; Spontaneous activity in APB-No
Articles/References/Links are highly appreciated. Thanks!