Neuropsych internships and post docs

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Jun 12, 2009
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Does anybody have feedback on well-respected clinical neuropsychology internships and post-docs? I will be looking for programs that meet the div.40 guidelines for training and that will prepare me for eventual ABBP-CN certification. In addition, I will be looking for programs that offer protected research time and a good balance of clinical work and research. If I could find an internship program that also offers post-doctoral opportunities that would be superb. My long-term goal is to do research and clinical work in an academic medical center/teaching hospital. If anyone has specific feedback on the Mayo Clinic's Neuropsychology Fellowship in Rochester I'd greatly appreciate it. This fall I will be entering my 2nd year in a respected Ph.D. program in clinical psychology with a concentration in neuropsychology and emphasis in gerontology. I have a very solid research background and am working on gaining clinical experiences. Thanks in advance!


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Jon gave a good starting point, though one of the most important things about internship is FIT. Make sure to give yourself time to review sites and how they fit for your training. You still have a couple of years before applying, but to get interviews at top neuro placements you'll have to have a solid CV so keep up the pubs, experience, etc.

Also, don't be afraid to ask tough questions about post-doc when you (eventually) go on internship interviews.

1. What types of positions do your interns attain after training?
2. How does your site place for formal post-docs? Where?
3. How does your site place for formal neuro post-docs? Where?