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7+ Year Member
Mar 6, 2015
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Thoughts? Is it good? Anyone use it? It's free and my budget is low.

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I used it for psych. It was better than the Kaplan book imo. For the other subjects, I am sure its fine but going through all the videos will probably take a LONG time.. Try to find someone selling the books used and for a low price is my suggestion.
Khan's is great for content review. I would still recommend investing in the AAMC materials. I think you might get them for free if you qualify for FAP.
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I would suggest the following three as the most important study tools. I scored a 522 and used these as the core of my studying:
(1) AAMC Practice Materials. $200 for their MCAT package. Practice questions produced by the same people who wrote the test!
(2) Khan Academy. Free and very useful for reviewing all the material very quickly. I watched every video at 2x the speed within a month of my exam.
(3) Kaplan 7-book series. Great for getting the overall content down.

Don't rely on just one method for your prep. It is important to use a variety of resources. If you need structure, then I would suggest hiring a private tutor rather than using a prep company. You can find freelance tutors for a quarter of what test prep companies charge for private tutoring. I am sure there are many other tutors out there as well! Best of luck!
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I would suggest the following three as the most important study tools. I scored a 522 and used these as the core of my studying:
(1) AAMC Practice Materials. $200 for their MCAT package. Practice questions produced by the same people who wrote the test!
(2) Khan Academy. Free and very useful for reviewing all the material very quickly. I watched every video at 2x the speed within a month of my exam.
(3) Kaplan 7-book series. Great for getting the overall content down.

Don't rely on just one method for your prep. It is important to use a variety of resources. If you need structure, then I would suggest hiring a private tutor rather than using a prep company. You can find freelance tutors for a quarter of what test prep companies charge for private tutoring. For instance, I tutor from I am sure there are many other tutors out there as well! Best of luck!

This is exactly what I did for 1 month and I got a pretty nice score too.

Khan's passage questions were a little harder than the real deal but I guess it's always better to be over prepared.

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Well, anything is better than nothing. I used Khan for behavioral videos and some extra practice on verbal passages. Find out what you need, and look for resources, I'm sure you'll find a bunch from Khan.
Any money you spent should be spent on AAMC materials minimum! They are gold and will best prepare you. Khan is a fantastic supplement. It is very time consuming but effective if done correctly. If you have extra money, I highly recommend getting practice exams. They will help build stamina and endurance.