NIH Clinical Elective - any thoughts/ advice/ experience to share?

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Jul 2, 2024
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Hi everyone,

I am a medical student from Australia. I recently got accepted to do my clinical elective at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in rheumatology. I’m particularly interested in exploring autoinflammatory conditions. I think the NIH would be fascinating because of the cutting-edge research and the opportunity to work with leading experts in the field. Has anyone done electives at NIH? What were your experiences like? Would you recommend?

On the other hand, I was also accepted to Singapore General Hospital for rheumatology. I think it offers a unique perspective on rheumatology with an Asian patient population and is regarded as a well known teaching hospital - but I can really only choose one (either NIH or Singapore). Any advice on making this decision would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance! :)

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It might be more helpful to know where your medical school is located and what your plans are for practicing post-graduation.
It might be more helpful to know where your medical school is located and what your plans are for practicing post-graduation.
Hello! I am a medical student from Australia, aspiring to become a rheumatologist, would be open to research.