Non-science LOR and physician LOR

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10+ Year Member
Dec 1, 2008
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I am sort of in a bind right now, since I cannot decide whom to ask for a non-science LOR. I took humanities classes during my first and second years, but did not get to know the professors well enough for them to write me a letter.

With that said, should I ask one of these professors anyway (even if it means mediocre quality)? If I have great letters from my previous research PIs but no non-science letter, will that hurt my chances of getting into MSTP?

Also, is a letter from a physician recommended for MSTP?

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Some MD programs might not be happy if you only have science LORs. Find one, and be creative with who you ask: do you have a volunteer coordinator, a clergy person, a coach, anything? You just need someone who can talk about how wonderful you are, and what a great doctor and researcher you'll be, they don't have to be a professor. In fact, I got a lot of positive response from interviewers to the LOR I got from my debate coach talking about how I never quit, I'm good with people, and I am the sort of person you want to have around in a bind.

Only get a letter from a physician if they can give you a good letter that talks about you, not just "i removed their mole and while I was working they asked me some questions about being a doctor. They had a nice haircut and took the pain of mole removal well." or something stupid like that. The only physician who wrote me a LOR was my PI of 1.75 years and counting, and I've never shadowed him or anything.
1. find a humanities class
2. go to office hours and pretend like you have questions/care
3. get recc at the end