Non-traditional DO Student Just Matched Gen Surg… Ask me anything…
SOSA e board,What were your extracurriculars?
I duel applied Ortho and Gen SurgIs it what you wanted?
RowanWhich school did you go to?
What was your research in?
Where did you audition?
Where did you get interviews?
I had sufficient research without a research year. Since that was a strong part of my app I didn’t feel it was necessary. I have a family and I’m an older student. I didn’t want to take an extra year to complete med school if it wasn’t necessary. That being said, I had a scored step/level 1. Without that, research is even more huge to stand out from the rest in any surgical specialty.What were the reasons you decided against a research year for ortho?
I’m incredibly grateful that my program took me without visiting there. GS is not a typical Ortho backup because it’s still very competitive in its own right. COMLEX 1&2 were 699/639 STEP 1&2 were 248/243. The drop in scores may have been a factor costing me Ortho. My second kid was born around that time, plus I was studying for boards and Ortho, plus I had to go train with the Army. Was not an easy time for step/level 2 lolWhat were your stats? Also what did you use for LORs for general surgery? Crazy that you matched with no aways.
Yes I did…. That’s why I didn’t apply all over the country. I’d recommend applying to everything in the region you want to be in and then applying to DO friendly places outside of where you’d prefer to be in. The odds of getting into a non DO friendly program somewhere in an area that won’t be familiar with your school is a waste of time and money IMO.Did you have any worries that certain programs would be bias against you being a DO?
Not OP, but every post regarding those two fields has required step scores above 240+ and a good number of research experiences. DO schools are not particularly adept at providing research save for a few outliers. I would go full "gunner" mode in that you are consistently on the look out for opportunities and ensuring that you will be prepared to kill Step 1/2. With 600 more DO students being added next year alongside Step 1 p/f being in full swing, the game is changing quickly. I'm even concerned going after a historically uncompetitive field.Should I go full gunner mode once I start medical school for research and EC's so I could be competitive enough for general surgery/anesthesiology (my top 2 choices)?
Edit: I'm not trying to be funny, but a genuine concern that I had with matching.
That’s what I saw too, anesthesiology is starting to become much more competitive than what it used to beNot OP, but every post regarding those two fields has required step scores above 240+ and a good number of research experiences. DO schools are not particularly adept at providing research save for a few outliers. I would go full "gunner" mode in that you are consistently on the look out for opportunities and ensuring that you will be prepared to kill Step 1/2. With 600 more DO students being added next year alongside Step 1 p/f being in full swing, the game is changing quickly. I'm even concerned going after a historically uncompetitive field.
Should I go full gunner mode once I start medical school for research and EC's so I could be competitive enough for general surgery/anesthesiology (my top 2 choices)?
Edit: I'm not trying to be funny, but a genuine concern that I had with matching.
That’s what I saw too, anesthesiology is starting to become much more competitive than what it used to be
Thank you so much for all this advice!!I’d tell you first thing you should do when you start medical school is establish good study habits, a support system, and just get acclimated to your new situation. Then I would tell you get to work. I hate the word “gunner”. To me that means working hard but also at the detriment of somebody else. Don’t be THAT gunner. Don’t be an a$$hole, but get to work. Definitely make connections with people in the specialties you want. Use your connections that got you to med school in the first place. Get on papers and take a few leadership positions. Pass step/level 1 and study for it as if it were for a score. That will help you get the highest score you can on step/level 2.
I didn’t do this but since you are relying on step/level 2, consider a research year after year 3. You take level 2 immediately before auditions. You start auditions before you even have your score back and know if you are competitive or not. A research year allows you to get your score before audition and adequately prepare for them while getting on a few papers. Of course speak with your school advisers first before doing this.
EVERYTHING is competitive especially for the DOs. 4K applicants didn’t match this year. Go into medical school thinking you want to be the best you can be and you will. Grades and networking are key to this
Happy to help! You can only control the things you can control. Worrying about the rest is wasted energy.Thank you so much for all this advice!!
Oh I thought it meant "gunning into it" like going full try-hard in medical school from Day 1 by doing multiple research projects, seeking mentors and advisors in the area for the specialty you're interested in doing residency, etc., I did not actually think it was about sabotaging other students...gunner had always implied "gunning down" other students because you wanted to be highest rank. From simple things like not doing study groups / being a supportive classmate, to active sabotage. Pass/fail grades and unranked corrected at most schools corrected this to a large extent IMO.
Being passionate about a field and doing what's required makes you a motivated student, not a gunner. Or I guess the term can be redefined now. lol.
Oh I thought it meant "gunning into it" like going full try-hard in medical school from Day 1 by doing multiple research projects, seeking mentors and advisors in the area for the specialty you're interested in doing residency, etc., I did not actually think it was about sabotaging other students...
Whether it’s old school or new school definition it’s not a complimentary term. Even if it isn’t referring to you as an active saboteur, it implies that your kinda a know if all or annoying robot that does nothing but school.Oh I thought it meant "gunning into it" like going full try-hard in medical school from Day 1 by doing multiple research projects, seeking mentors and advisors in the area for the specialty you're interested in doing residency, etc., I did not actually think it was about sabotaging other students...
I hear a lot of specialists transfer to reserves, since ARNG only has "primary care" slots.
What is your plan with the national guard and what was your MOS?
Are you using MDSSP or STRAP, and perhaps HPSP?
I joined the NJ Army National Guard in spring 2020, my M1 year. I drill once a month which consists of doing vitals, hearing tests, vision tests, record review, and other stuff to help the providers. We do yearly health assessments on soldiers to make sure they are ready to deploy. I’m committed for 6 years drilling with an additional 2 where I can drill or go on IRR status ( which means I don’t drill and don’t get paid. If they absolutely need me they can bring me back on a drilling status but that doesn’t happen).What is your role in the national guard? also how long have you been? Have you actively drilled in med school?
I joined the NJ Army National Guard in spring 2020, my M1 year. I drill once a month which consists of doing vitals, hearing tests, vision tests, record review, and other stuff to help the providers. We do yearly health assessments on soldiers to make sure they are ready to deploy. I’m committed for 6 years drilling with an additional 2 where I can drill or go on IRR status ( which means I don’t drill and don’t get paid. If they absolutely need me they can bring me back on a drilling status but that doesn’t happen).
Your MOS as a medical student is 00E which doesn’t exist anywhere else in the military bc you are basically useless as far as the Army is concerned until you graduate.
I’m preparing my packet now for when I graduate. I’ll be changed to the Medical Corps rather than the Medical Service Corps and I’ll get promoted to Captain O-3. As a resident I’ll do similar duties as a student except I’ll learn to do what the attendings do and do some of the medical clearing work myself. I will not perform the duties of a General Surgeon but my specific MOS will reflect being a GS. If I want to do that actual work I can go to the reserves.
As a student and resident you are NON DEPLOYABLE. MDSSP and STRAP are stipends you can get while in med school and residency respectively but they extend your commitment 2 years for every year you take it. HLRP is loan forgiveness, 40k a year for a max 6 years. This also extends your commitment 1 year for every 1 year you take it. If your commitment extends past your residency/fellowship you CAN and WILL BE DEPLOYED.
I don’t take any additional help and I’ll go on IRR Jan of my PGY-3 year.
Each state has its own benefits in addition to the federal stuff. NJ gives a tuition waiver for ALL college as long as it’s a public school so medical school tuition was paid.
HPSP is the military scholarship from Army, Navy or Air Force. You do nothing in med school and everything is paid for. You apply to the military match and if you don’t match you do the civilian match. After you finish residency/fellowship you serve at least 4 years active duty. You are stationed where the military needs you and you will be deployed over seas at least once. You will perform your specialty. This is for people who are more serious about military medicine.
I am doing the HPSP scholarship and got accepted into a D.O. program that starts this fall. I really want to do general surgery and I have heard mixed things about being military surgeon. Are you doing general surgery in the military?Non-traditional DO Student Just Matched Gen Surg… Ask me anything…