Northwestern vs. Weill Cornell

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Picking A med school

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Aug 8, 2022
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Blessed to have gotten off the WL this morning, and have two weeks to decide!

Pros –
  • New city. I have wanted to live in new york, and med school is a great chance to do it
  • Tri-I institute (probs biggest pro). I like basic and translational research, and there is a potential I wanna try to move into the MSTP program once in (not entirely sure what the chances of getting in, though)
  • Interested in ortho. Crazy ortho match list, but still not entirely set on it
  • small class size would be better for personal relationships with admin
  • 1.5 year curriculum, which would allow me 6 months of independent research. If I don’t decide to do MSTP, this would definitely be favorable
  • Little bit of a later start, which is important as I graduate in June
  • Haven’t gotten FA package, but imagining it will be 120k cheaper over 4 years, with especially cheaper housing
  • Stronger global health opportunities

Cons –
  • New city, oxymoronically. Know no one here, with the closest family member 4 hours away. A flight away from where my parents and close family live, thought. Thus, no academic or familial support system, but will have a ton of friends here
  • Their IM match list didn’t align as well with my interest
  • 1.5 year curriculum may make me feel rushed and burnt out, with a lot more quizzes
  • Living in a dorm. Love to have a personalized kitchen
  • Have not visited their campus yet

Pros –
  • Super familiar with the school. Loved second look, and made strong connections with the student body already in the 23 class as well as current med students
  • The IM match list is super strong and aligns with what I believe my current interests are.
  • Have a ton of physician connections here. Worked for a PI who leads a research center here, as well as did all my shadowing at NMH alongside one of the clerkship directors.
  • Know a decent amount of students here. Would have a ton of comfort in that, as well as having more friends in Chicago than NYC
  • 2 year preclinical curriculum and more blocked testing would help me feel less burnt out, yet while still having ECMH that would grant early clinical experience
  • Newer hospitals + facilities, NMH is great
  • Near guarantee mstp match based on discussions with admin
  • ranked higher?
  • driving distance from home

Cons –
  • More expensive. Plan on going into academic medicine, and although I may get PSLF, there’s no guarantee.
  • Too familiar with the city? Will not really allow me to branch out because I am already very well established here, whether it be friends in the school or just the city in general. I do have a desire for newness
  • Heavy midwest match. Potentially will wanna match east coast
  • MSTP here is amazing, but TRI-I does get more overall funding.

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depends on how much you want 1. to experience a new city and culture both now and for residency (both are great cities but nothing is like NYC which could be good or bad depending on the person) and 2. to transfer into internal MSTP (find more specific info on this regarding Cornell to make a more informed decision)

please do not look at "rankings" or match lists here lol, other than the fact that Cornell associated with HSS and you have ortho interest. But is that interest in ortho as solid as your existing connections at NW? Idk, only you do. Both places can match wherever you want, finances as you mentioned are not final but I am in the camp of nothing is worth >$100k difference between T20s.

personally id go cornell because im a NYC hoe, but you will not go wrong either ways
congrats! was making the same decision for MD program and ended up choosing cornell. visited both campuses and thought NW was definitely more spacious/newer but cornell had too many pros to pass up (strong east coast match list, NYC>Chicago, the people i met felt a little more mature, better second look imo). both are great schools and you cant make a wrong decision but i thought life in NY sounded better than in Chicago (dorm was tight but not the worst - also its cheap ha)! do whatever makes you happy!
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Congrats on a killer cycle and I probably saw you at NW second look haha. Both are amazing places and honestly you can’t go wrong. If you are willing to try a new place then you can def choose Cornell, but I wouldn’t underestimate the importance of strong familial support nearby. My vote is whatever’s the most affordable but otherwise you really can’t go wrong!
depends on how much you want 1. to experience a new city and culture both now and for residency (both are great cities but nothing is like NYC which could be good or bad depending on the person) and 2. to transfer into internal MSTP (find more specific info on this regarding Cornell to make a more informed decision)

please do not look at "rankings" or match lists here lol, other than the fact that Cornell associated with HSS and you have ortho interest. But is that interest in ortho as solid as your existing connections at NW? Idk, only you do. Both places can match wherever you want, finances as you mentioned are not final but I am in the camp of nothing is worth >$100k difference between T20s.

personally id go cornell because im a NYC hoe, but you will not go wrong either ways
talked to the dean a few min ago and he told me that it’s not impossible odds, but not everyone gets internal MSTP transfer. Not sure how heavily I should consider this though as i’m only 50/50 applying internal mstp right now
Congrats on a killer cycle and I probably saw you at NW second look haha. Both are amazing places and honestly you can’t go wrong. If you are willing to try a new place then you can def choose Cornell, but I wouldn’t underestimate the importance of strong familial support nearby. My vote is whatever’s the most affordable but otherwise you really can’t go wrong!
appreciate your advice, and gluck at UMich!!
Disclosure: WL at NW but unlikely to attend

IMO the choices feel pretty equivalent in most areas.

In terms of schools, both are very prestigious with unique benefits to attending each. Maybe there are more one-of-a-kind things at Cornell with HSS, but NW has a lot too like ECMH and you're already familiar with the school.

As for location, it seems like you want to be in NYC, but Chicago is closer to home. Once again kind of feels like a wash.

Given that they feel pretty similar, I'd go with Cornell simply because of the cost difference and because it does sound like you are more excited by the prospect of accessing stuff like TRI-I etc and living in NYC. Where are you leaning right now?
Disclosure: WL at NW but unlikely to attend

IMO the choices feel pretty equivalent in most areas.

In terms of schools, both are very prestigious with unique benefits to attending each. Maybe there are more one-of-a-kind things at Cornell with HSS, but NW has a lot too like ECMH and you're already familiar with the school.

As for location, it seems like you want to be in NYC, but Chicago is closer to home. Once again kind of feels like a wash.

Given that they feel pretty similar, I'd go with Cornell simply because of the cost difference and because it does sound like you are more excited by the prospect of accessing stuff like TRI-I etc and living in NYC. Where are you leaning right now?
Thanks for your reply! I think I am leaning towards NU because of current connections with student body and physicians there. However, if they are unable to match what I get at Cornell, I think it will be hard to bypass the money + opportunity with the tri-i. Guess it is just kinda hard to leave what I already established but maybe med school is the best opp to do that.
Have several friends from ug who ended up going to one or the other and they all had positive experiences and matched to their first choices (including east coast). I ended up at NU even though it was a little more expensive than some of my other choices but have zero regrets and your pros are all on the money - especially ECMH ('cept don't know about the MSTP thing and don't think there's any difference in reputation). Your cons are personal, so I won't comment except that PSLF looks good to me, too! Congrats on your options!
update: i believe nu is willing to match, but i am leaning cornell atm. any last minute thoughts would be very helpful 🙂
update: i believe nu is willing to match, but i am leaning cornell atm. any last minute thoughts would be very helpful 🙂
Congrats!!! I think you should go wherever you are most excited to go and where you think you will be happiest. If you're leaning Cornell, go for it!
Cornell unless you need support system near by. My only child went from west to east (in between he was in south for UG) with no friends or family close by and doing fine. He found good roommates. We text every day and do FaceTime once a week. We send home made food once in a while. We see him every few months (either he comes or we go). One thing you should be aware is hospital environment could be tough in Northeast compared to Midwest or west.
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