NYMC - Basic Medical Sciences

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Oct 2, 2007
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Can anyone shed any light on this program? I'm interested in the accelerated route. Anyone know how successful program applicants are in getting into NYMC? Are applicants limited to NYMC when they apply? Or does the program have more widespread credibility?


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I'm very interested in this program as well. What kind of people do the accept? (is it a record-enhancer or for ppl that need to complete pre-reqs?) How competitive is the admissions process? etc.... any info u could share would be appreciated. thanks! :)
It's meant as a record enhancer. It's a masters program that has the same pre req's as med school.
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I go to NYMC currently, in the 2 yr masters, not in the accelerated program though.
If you want any information PM me.

EDIT: underlined and bolded for emphasis on what I wrote
what do u you think of the program so far?
hey i'm interested in learning of the accelerated program. do u know anyone who can help me ?
I'm also interested in this program, bump for more info in the accelerated program!
Well, I submitted my app a month ago, got an interview request 2 weeks ago, interviewed 6 days ago, and got my acceptance yesterday. :)

It's a great program, from what I could tell. They had a test pilot do the program last year and he did very well - got multiple acceptances. You take the same classes as the M1 students, it's capped to 25 students, and the campus is very beautiful. And it's close to NYC. :D
I was just accepted to the traditional program for fall of 2009! How do you like the program? Are there any records of students getting into the medical school after they complete the program? How is the area, students, atmosphere??? Thanks.
I go to NYMC currently, in the 2 yr masters, not in the accelerated program though.
If you want any information PM me.

EDIT: underlined and bolded for emphasis on what I wrote
I got accepted to the Traditional post bacc at NYMC. I am from California and have heard of the scramble for housing, however I have yet to recieve any information in the form of a packet or anything from the school. If you have any details about the program like difficulty of the classes, acceptance rate into medical school, average MCAT scores and GPA, class size ect, that would be most helpful. I am interested in the program but I want to be excited about the program. I can tif I dont know any particulars. Thank you in advance