NYU 3-Year MD Prgram

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Feb 1, 2020
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Hi guys! I'm so happy to be in the fortunate position of choosing between two amazing medical schools in NYC (NYU and Columbia) and I can't be more grateful for this amazing opportunity. While I loved both schools, one thing that's complicating my decision is the alleged competitive culture at NYU that seems to be a motif in a couple of threads. I can't speak to the validity of this claim, but it would be great if anyone could provide some insights into possible sources of competitiveness like perhaps selection into the 3-year MD program or internal ranking. I am very interested in the 3-year program at NYU, but do prefer a more laid-back learning environment. As a reference, I'm very interested in radiology and would like to match into NYC in the future. I enjoyed both schools and my decision really is coming down to this possible differentiating factor between the two schools. Thanks so much guys!!!!

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I think both schools are on the competitive side, in terms of student body/culture etc
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M1 at NYU here. There is absolutely 0 competition among my classmates, largely because there is no incentive for it. Everything is pass/fail, and the faculty/administrators are very focused on ensuring our well-being. Students are also ridiculously helpful and freely share study guides, flashcards, or any other resources. In fact, I'm baffled to hear that anybody else is claiming otherwise lol. Maybe it was true for previous classes? I'd be surprised if that were the case though.
You won't have trouble matching in radiology in NYC from either school. P&S will always have the prestige factor if that means anything to you (no shame if it does). I don't know much about the NYU 3-yr program but it sounds like radiology is the ideal specialty for that kind of program since you won't be doing inpatient clinical medicine for your career.
First year at NYU as well and I’ve seen a weirdly negative bent on SDN towards NYU due to controversy over its rise in rankings and whether NYU deserves it. I’m not really sure why such a huge issue is made out of the US News, but suffice it to say that none of the rankings nonsense has any impact on your actual experience as a student here. I think I have had an overall really positive time so far.

Right now with all the COVID madness, our admin are being ridiculously helpful with helping students adjust to online classes, not worry about exam grades, readjust travel plans, and stay in the loop about ongoing developments within the school and the hospital system as a whole. While certain departments within the hospital definitely attract more competitive personalities in terms of the residents and attendings I’ve met within them, I don’t feel like any of my classmates have a gunner vibe. I can honestly say that my preclinical experience as a whole has been quite stress free. Would love to have you join us, and happy to answer any questions on the 3 year if you want to DM me!

Hi there! Sorry i'm new to SDN, not sure how exactly to DM someone (tried clicking on your username and the only options are to "follow" or "ignore")