MSW NYU or Rutgers-Newark?

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Jul 12, 2018
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Hello everyone,

I got into both NYU and Rutgers-Newark for Social Work! However, I'm still wondering which one is a good fit for me. While Rutgers is more said to be affordable and it's closer to friends and family, I'm not sure how much financial aid I'll be offered. NYU offered me a $12,000 tuition reward, which is really great! However, I don't know about the rest of the financial aid I'll be given. I heard that private schools tend to give more financial aid but I'm not sure if that's 100% true. I go to FDU and while I am given a lot of financial aid, I also have a lot of loans. On the other hand, NYU has more prestige than Rutgers, but Rutgers has been my dream since middle school!

Any thoughts? If you went to NYU or Rutgers-Newark, please respond.

Thank you!

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I know people who have gone to Rutgers and have absolutely loved it. They also basically have a hold on all research related to child maltreatment and DCF in the state, so if you're interested in that area or intimate partner violence, the program is incredibly strong. And Rutgers has a lot of prestige as well. Also, private schools usually offer more financial aid because they cost a lot more. Keep in mind, the average salary for a social worker isn't typically high enough to sustain 6 figure debt, and there is always the danger that PSLF will not be around forever. That and a lot of people spend years thinking their eligible bit find out they aren't due to some technical thing such as making an extra payment or something.
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If you are currently at FDU, do you live in NJ? Are you going to want to commute to NYC several times a week for classes, and practicum placements? Are you planning to move to NYC? Choosing a great program is important but don’t forget to think about the logistics. If you haven’t already, ask students what a typical day/week looks like. Where do students get placed? How do they obtain their placement?
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If you are currently at FDU, do you live in NJ? Are you going to want to commute to NYC several times a week for classes, and practicum placements? Are you planning to move to NYC? Choosing a great program is important but don’t forget to think about the logistics. If you haven’t already, ask students what a typical day/week looks like. Where do students get placed? How do they obtain their placement?

Yeah, now that I think about it, it will be expensive to live there... I thought the financial aid would cover housing but then again I still need more info on financial aid! I'm going to do more research on housing and also ask students! Thank you!
I know people who have gone to Rutgers and have absolutely loved it. They also basically have a hold on all research related to child maltreatment and DCF in the state, so if you're interested in that area or intimate partner violence, the program is incredibly strong. And Rutgers has a lot of prestige as well. Also, private schools usually offer more financial aid because they cost a lot more. Keep in mind, the average salary for a social worker isn't typically high enough to sustain 6 figure debt, and there is always the danger that PSLF will not be around forever. That and a lot of people spend years thinking their eligible bit find out they aren't due to some technical thing such as making an extra payment or something.

Thank you! I am interested in that area, including issues involving homeless youths! Also thanks for telling me about the pslf. I had no idea there were so many issues with it!