OB/GYN Residency Programs Questions

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Jun 25, 2023
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I’m a current MS3 medical student interested in applying OB/GYN. I’m currently on my OB/GYN rotation (L&D service) and have been enjoying it and learning a lot

I was wondering what are things to look for in an OB/GYN residency program? I know that in any specialty, residency is going to be hard and there are going to be long hours. However, for OB/GYN and other surgical specialities, I have heard of there being “malignant” residency programs. What does that mean? (Does that mean work hours, resident support culture for mental health, from attendings, and from other residents?)

Does anyone know of a list of OB/GYN residency programs that are good to apply to? I am an Ohio resident and currently live in OH. I’m interested in applying to residency programs in the Midwest, East coast, and South since I have family support and connections in all of those areas.

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I’m a current MS3 medical student interested in applying OB/GYN. I’m currently on my OB/GYN rotation (L&D service) and have been enjoying it and learning a lot

I was wondering what are things to look for in an OB/GYN residency program? I know that in any specialty, residency is going to be hard and there are going to be long hours. However, for OB/GYN and other surgical specialities, I have heard of there being “malignant” residency programs. What does that mean? (Does that mean work hours, resident support culture for mental health, from attendings, and from other residents?)

Does anyone know of a list of OB/GYN residency programs that are good to apply to? I am an Ohio resident and currently live in OH. I’m interested in applying to residency programs in the Midwest, East coast, and South since I have family support and connections in all of those areas.

The specialty, specifically labor and delivery is higher stress.

Attendings can be hit or miss.

Hours will depend on your service. It's not bad nowadays to be honest.. Most programs have night float so you're not really working thirty hours straight.

Outpatient and benign GYN services are pretty easy hours.

GYN onc, labor and delivery will be longer etc.

Elite/high level programs (no particular order and not a comprehensive list)

The Ohio State University
University of Michigan
University of Cincinnati
University of Alabama
Johns Hopkins

There are many good mid tier academic programs and community programs. Just depends on your career goals

If you want to sub specialize, better to be at an academic program. Certain fellowships like GYN Onc and REI usually won't seriously consider people who come from community programs etc.

You can match MFM and URPS from community programs etc.
Thank you for the detailed response!

I start gyn surgery next week (I’m on my OB/GYN rotation)

I was wondering what are good resources for students to use to study the anatomy of the different surgeries?

I assume that the major ones to know are:
Hysterectomy (+/- salpingectomy)
Tubal removal

Any other surgeries/procedures that would be good to know?

I struggled with understanding the anatomy of some of the surgeries I saw on my Gen Surg rotation…
Thank you for the detailed response!

I start gyn surgery next week (I’m on my OB/GYN rotation)

I was wondering what are good resources for students to use to study the anatomy of the different surgeries?

I assume that the major ones to know are:
Hysterectomy (+/- salpingectomy)
Tubal removal

Any other surgeries/procedures that would be good to know?

I struggled with understanding the anatomy of some of the surgeries I saw on my Gen Surg rotation…

And you can find surgical videos online, YouTube, Vimeo etc. Just search