Official hSDN Homework Threads Policy

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Pediatric Anesthesiologist
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Nov 2, 2004
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Well, school is picking up and most of you are probably starting to get into the thick of your school work, so now is probably a good time to clarify the official hSDN policy on homework threads.

hSDN (and the rest of SDN) is not intended to be a homework help forum. We are here to help you make decisions with your pre-health careers.

However, the discussion of homework is not prohibited, as long as it is done in the right place and you're the discussion remains conceptual rather than "please answer this question for me".

The ExamHQ may be used to discuss preparation for exams (SAT/ACT/AP) but it is not the place to have specific questions answered.

Conceptual discussions would be something like:
I'm having trouble understanding __________ can someone please clarify?
This is open for discussion, and by the end, you'll hopefully have a solid understanding of the concept and be able to do the assignment.

What we don't want to see are threads like:
I was assigned these problems and I'm having trouble, can someone please explain them to me:
Where you essentially are copy/pasting your entire HW assignment and hoping it gets done by the time the questions are explained.

Ideally we'd like to keep the discussion of homework to a reasonable level. Remember, that's not what this forum is here for.


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