Ohio (OOS) vs Tufts (OOS)

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Oct 26, 2023
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Hi guys! Im currently debating between the two. Any help would be MUCH appreciated :) Im from Canada, so I don't know much about American universities.

OSU pros: cheaper tuition, two hours drive closer to home (Canada), and seems like there are more scholarships available! (have not received anything yet). Cons: safety concerns living in the city, non 24/7 ER, no shelter medicine program or wildlife program or exotics to my knowledge. Is dentistry in their curriculum??

Tufts pros: Shelter med program, wildlife clinic, spay/neuter clinic, denstistry in curriculum, I LOVED my interviewers and loved what I heard about the sense of community, smaller town. Cons: more expensive, won't be receiving any aid for first year, a bit of a longer drive from my hometown, still have to take orgs II and some more art classes.

Thank you in advanced!

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I strongly urge you to choose Ohio. Tufts is nearly 100k more expensive than Ohio. I don’t think there’s anything a school could offer that’s worth paying an extra 100k when there’s a cheaper option. You’ll have the same degree at the end, On top of that, my understanding is that vet compensation in Canada is quite a bit lower than in the US, which means it’ll be an even more significant difference/harder to pay back the more expensive loans. Do your future self a favor and choose the cheaper option.
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