OMS 1 Trying to Find Summer Research

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Jul 8, 2016
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Hi everyone! I'm an OMS 1 attending ARCOM and I"ve tried to ask around for opportunities for summer research, but there hasn't been any available through the school itself. I have been applying to outside fellowships such as the NIH SIP, FAER, Sloan Kettering, etc. I have 4 years of previous wet lab and clinical lab experience from undergrad and I want to make sure I have some opportunity to do research this summer to continue fine tuning these skills. Is it appropriate to "cold" email labs at schools I"m interested in and ask if they have space available for the summer as I'm worried because I know these fellowships are very competitive? Any advice from someone in this situation would be greatly appreciated!

Thank You

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Hi everyone! I'm an OMS 1 attending ARCOM and I"ve tried to ask around for opportunities for summer research, but there hasn't been any available through the school itself. I have been applying to outside fellowships such as the NIH SIP, FAER, Sloan Kettering, etc. I have 4 years of previous wet lab and clinical lab experience from undergrad and I want to make sure I have some opportunity to do research this summer to continue fine tuning these skills. Is it appropriate to "cold" email labs at schools I"m interested in and ask if they have space available for the summer as I'm worried because I know these fellowships are very competitive? Any advice from someone in this situation would be greatly appreciated!

Thank You
Who are you emailing? If it is faculty within these fellowships I would not deem that appropriate because you are essentially bypassing. You could email the program admin for follow up but prepare for a back up meaning you should consider other opportunities which includes doing bench work at another program. The closest I can find is UAMS which is 2 hours away. Consider OSU which I believe is in Tulsa. Another program that is bound to have summer research opps is UTSW and Baylor which are also a decent drive away from ARCOM. You should ask if there are summer opps there.
Hi everyone! I'm an OMS 1 attending ARCOM and I"ve tried to ask around for opportunities for summer research, but there hasn't been any available through the school itself. I have been applying to outside fellowships such as the NIH SIP, FAER, Sloan Kettering, etc. I have 4 years of previous wet lab and clinical lab experience from undergrad and I want to make sure I have some opportunity to do research this summer to continue fine tuning these skills. Is it appropriate to "cold" email labs at schools I"m interested in and ask if they have space available for the summer as I'm worried because I know these fellowships are very competitive? Any advice from someone in this situation would be greatly appreciated!

Thank You
Wait, I thought ARCOM had the biggest research program of all DO schools...😆

In all seriousness, you probably won't hear back from the fellowship programs until Feb/March. It may be worth it to contact some of your undergrad professors or physicians to see if you can help or shadow in whatever area you'll be spending summer if the fellowship programs don't work out.
same situation here!
I also had lots of research experience before med school. I don't even know if its even necessary to do another summer of research.