OT: Favorite Animal Movies

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Ohio State c/o 2016
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Sep 25, 2009
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What's everyone's favorite movie about (or with) animals?

I'm a big Disney sap so I love The Lion King. Free Willy's excellent, too (just the storyline, not all the controversy :( ) What about you guys?

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Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey
Homeward Bound II: Lost in San Francisco

LOVE those!!!
Fox and the Hound.......
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Black Beauty- I cry my eyes out every time, but it's completely worth it.
Also, has anyone seen Wild Hearts Can't Be Broken? It's the one about the girl who rides the diving horses and continues after she gets blinded in an accident. I watched it recently on Netflix after not having seen it for many years and really enjoyed it. I love pretty much any cheesy horse movie :)
Well it wasn't really a movie (I think it is now, though, which qualifies it for this thread :p) but Where the Red Fern Grows is one of my favorite animal books. Pretty damn moving.
Well it wasn't really a movie (I think it is now, though, which qualifies it for this thread :p) but Where the Red Fern Grows is one of my favorite animal books. Pretty damn moving.

My favorite book of ALL TIME! I read this in 5th grade and it changed my life forever, seriously. I must have read it at minimum 100 times. Every time I get towards the end I hope that ...well I won't ruin the ending for anyone who hasn't read it.

Edit: I typically do not read/watch books over and over again. This was the rare exception.
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Fox and the Hound.......

!!!!! omg i cry every time lol but i love the relationship depicted, so sweet.
cant think of other movies, man i have such a bad memory lol im sure there are a hundred
Lion King is so good! :)
I also liked Hidalgo (about a long horse race)... but mostly cause I like viggo mortenson from LOTR

And Babe is a classic too
Well it wasn't really a movie (I think it is now, though, which qualifies it for this thread :p) but Where the Red Fern Grows is one of my favorite animal books. Pretty damn moving.

Yep there's a movie of it. I watched it back in 6th grade when I read it in class. It was a pretty good adaptation of it if I can recall correctly. There's also a movie sequel. It starts out with a lawn mower that mows through the red ferns.... my teacher turned the tv off right after that...

I found this book on the dollar book cart at work, so I got it and started reading it again, cause it was seriously my favorite book ever... and I gotta say, I don't like it as much anymore. I think years of humane society and wildlife rehab work made me much more sensitive to some things, and I couldn't help but twitch every time I come across some of the attitudes prevalent in the book about animals.
One of my favourites is 8 Below with Paul Walker... omg I cryyyy so bad every time lol.

And I totally cried more reading Marley and Me than I did watching the movie... and that was a lot...lol

But honestly, anything animal-related these days gets me choked up... I think I'm becoming too sensitive!! lol
Black Beauty- I cry my eyes out every time, but it's completely worth it.
Also, has anyone seen Wild Hearts Can't Be Broken? It's the one about the girl who rides the diving horses and continues after she gets blinded in an accident. I watched it recently on Netflix after not having seen it for many years and really enjoyed it. I love pretty much any cheesy horse movie :)

I love both of these movies!!!! I have both on VHS (am I the only one that still watches VHS's?) I cry EVERY time I watch Black Beauty ('94). I'd consider it a MUST see. :)

Also: White Fang! (Just DVR'd it. ...yes, we do have things more "high-tech" at my house than a VCR...), Far from Home: The Adventures of Yellow Dog (cheesy), Flicka (My Friend Flicka is a classic, Flicka is a little cheesier), Hildalgo... I also remember liking The Bear, Milo and Otis, and All Dogs Go to Heaven (although it's been YEARS). I love most animal movies. This is a tough question, OP ;).
The Lion King is my all-time favorite animated Disney film, hands-down; I've watched it so many times I can probably play it in my head.

Other favorites... hmm. Finding Nemo, Brother Bear, Jurassic Park, The Last Unicorn, Up, and probably others I don't have conveniently sitting on my shelf and have slipped my mind.

Where the Red Fern Grows is one of my favorite animal books. Pretty damn moving.

I hated that book for some reason. I know I read it, or part of it, but I can't remember a thing about it other than that I hated it.
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Homeward Bound, Black Beauty and the Lion King are fantastic. I also like Milo and Otis! So cute!
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Where the Red Fern Grows...I hated that book for some reason. I know I read it, or part of it, but I can't remember a thing about it other than that I hated it.

Coonhounds... that's all I remember.
Finding Nemo, Brother Bear, Jurassic Park, The Last Unicorn, Up, and probably others I don't have conveniently sitting on my shelf and have slipped my mind.

I LOVED UP. I love Dug. So cute.

I'm pretty much a fan of any animal movie, so long as it's not too cheesy (Air Bud, for example, makes me gag). My new favorite animal(ish) movie is definitely How to Train Your Dragon, even though it deals with mythological creatures. I've already seen it twice in the theaters.

PS: I HAVE seen Wild Hearts Can't Be Broken! That was a childhood favorite of mine. Don't know if anyone watches it, but the main character in that movie plays Fiona on Burn Notice. OT, but I love that show!
Well it wasn't really a movie (I think it is now, though, which qualifies it for this thread :p) but Where the Red Fern Grows is one of my favorite animal books. Pretty damn moving.

Omg, same here. I am totally anti-hunting and the book is still my favorites.

Speaking of books, has anyone read any of Bill Wallace's books? They're pretty sad but sooo good. I have an autographed copy of "Beauty" and "A Dog Called Kitty" was great as well. As soon as I moved back to Canada, I could not find any of his books... it's like he doesn't exist.

As for movies, Finding Nemo is probably my favorite Disney movie. I'm like a little kid... I have a Nemo fleece blanket, pillowcase, and Nemo himself is staring at me as I write this.

I recall watching an older movie a few years ago called "Love Leads the Way". It's based off the book "First Lady of the Seeing Eye". It was about a man who became blind after being struck in the head during a boxing tournament. In Europe, they're training dogs to aid the blind. He works hard and gets one, returns to America, and tries to fit into a society where a dog leading the blind is unheard of. I think I actually cried at the end. It's based on a true story.

"Wendy and Lucy" is pretty good too... very serious... a broke woman who is making her way to Alaska to work loses the only thing she has, her dog, and she struggles with finding her and ponders whether or not she's really fit to keep her around.
Black Beauty- I cry my eyes out every time, but it's completely worth it.
Also, has anyone seen Wild Hearts Can't Be Broken? It's the one about the girl who rides the diving horses and continues after she gets blinded in an accident. I watched it recently on Netflix after not having seen it for many years and really enjoyed it. I love pretty much any cheesy horse movie :)

YES YES YES YES I LOVE Wild Hearts Can't Be Broken!
I also cry everytime I watch Black Beauty. Old Yeller and Seabiscuit require tissues for me as well.
Homeward bound, Fox and the Hound, and Aristocats!
Speaking of horse movies anyone like The Horse Whisperer or Seabiscuit????

Other animal movies that stick out in my mind are Hatari starring John Wayne and Red Buttons (I'm such a dork for classics) Duma (just Netflixed it), Operation Dumbo Drop, Snow Dogs, and Andre (so CUTE!).
Speaking of horse movies anyone like The Horse Whisperer or Seabiscuit????.

Seabiscuit was pretty good.
I liked Hidalgo too.:love:

I didn't like The Horse Whisperer at all though because of how they portrayed "breaking" a horse. :thumbdown:

I bought a copy of The Bear for my son's bday but we haven't watched it yet.
"Born Free" is a classic! Also loved "Milo and Otis" for its original style and then "Two Brothers."

On the subject of the horse whisperer, didn't have a strong feeling for the movie, but reading Buck Brannaman's (who is the inspiration for the character in the movie) autobiography was really interesting. Even though we are not experienced horse people, my wife and I went to one of his seminars to see him in person. Pretty impressive. A unique and inspirational person.
OMG 8 below is the best mvie ever! I can't believe I forgot that one! Add Up to my list as well! One of my dogs is so ADD, we always look at him and go "SQUIRREL!" Hilarious. And Happy Feet ;)

The only thing that gets me choked up in movies are animals getting sick or hurt or kids. Adult humans usually have it coming to them ;)
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Lady and the Tramp
Secret of NIMH
Old Yeller
Black Stallion
March of the Penguins
Never Cry Wolf

Those are the ones I can remember while procrastinating studying for animal form and function exam in 2 hrs. The newer movies are mostly just too hoakey for me.
Ok I think most of the ones I like have been mentioned, but here is my list:

Old Yeller
Homeward Bound 1 and 2
Summer of the Monkeys (can't help but cry)
Lion King (classic)
Where the Red Fern Grows (also read the book and watched the movie in about 5th/6th grade; the book was much better (isn't it always?))
Marley and Me (again, book was better)
Milo and Otis
8 Below
Fly Away Home
Napoleon (really cheesy movie about a golden retriever puppy who wants to be a "wild" dog.)
Fox and the Hound (this one is just sad)
101 Dalmatians (the animated one was ok, but I liked the second one with the real dogs and people better).

there are probably many others but this is all I can think of for now.

Oh and GSDgirl most of the movies above we have on VHS still and I still watch them with my really old VCR. I absolutely love it! :love: Although, we have just about every Disney movie ever made on VHS because we are cool Disney freaks. :cool:
Anyone seen "Animals are Beautiful People" ?

It's a good one.
All Dogs Go to Heaven!

My personal statement was based on this movie.
No one has mentioned Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron!
No one has mentioned Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron!

omg i love that movie! i had the movie poster in my room for the longest time. my other favorites are seabiscuit, return to snowy river, lion king, bambi, babe, milo and otis, and i'm sure there are a ton more. i literally just watched babe last week.. such a good movie.
My wife wants me to add "The Three Lives of Thomasina." It is a slightly less well-known classic.

Our favorite line is when Thomasina - the cat- says "They just don't know how special I am." (or something like that)
I love Babe!!! When the farmer sings to him? Adorable...

When I was little I loved cats, so I watched Oliver and Company and the Aristocats a ton...

I had to watch Snow Dogs a lot in school for some reason. That was kind of a cute movie...

There are actually a lot of good animal movies, now that I think of it! Homeward bound, lady and the tramp, black beauty...
My wife wants me to add "The Three Lives of Thomasina." It is a slightly less well-known classic.

Our favorite line is when Thomasina - the cat- says "They just don't know how special I am." (or something like that)

OMG I forgot all about Thomasina! That movie made me want to be a forest witch when I was a kid. I'm totally going to Netflix it and watch it this weekend. :)
I just watched "Hachi: A dog's story" tonight. Even knowing the story (I heard about the original story in Japan), it was still really touching. Well done. Worth a rent. :thumbup:
Doesn't 'hachi' mean 'eight' in Japanese?


Though less commonly it can also mean "bowl/basin" or "bee/wasp."

This post was brought to you by my denshi jisho (aka electronic Japanese dictionary. :thumbup:

Did anyone else ever watch that movie about the girl who finds a capuchin monkey makes it her pet (I'm blanking on the title)? I loved that movie as a kid, though I would probably cringe at it now!
Number eight -- Though less commonly it can also mean "bowl/basin" or "bee/wasp."
So three meanings for one word. Yech. English has a lot of that but from my understanding it's every single word over there, and it's the tone and fluctuations you use to indicate the word you actually mean. Use the wrong fluctuation, or your voice waivers, and you say something else.

Reminds me of a book I read in middle school about a girl who had a riot start in China and she got out of a massacre by having a body fall on her, then she had to escape the war zone. She found a buddy who wasn't as fluent in Chinese (mandarin?) as she was and when explaining himself to a guard, his voice cracked with the pressure of having a gun trained on him and he said the wrong 'word' and got shot for it.

This has nothing to do with animals, nor movies even lol.
So three meanings for one word. Yech. English has a lot of that but from my understanding it's every single word over there, and it's the tone and fluctuations you use to indicate the word you actually mean. Use the wrong fluctuation, or your voice waivers, and you say something else.

Reminds me of a book I read in middle school about a girl who had a riot start in China and she got out of a massacre by having a body fall on her, then she had to escape the war zone. She found a buddy who wasn't as fluent in Chinese (mandarin?) as she was and when explaining himself to a guard, his voice cracked with the pressure of having a gun trained on him and he said the wrong 'word' and got shot for it.

This has nothing to do with animals, nor movies even lol.

Japanese actually doesn't have tones, FYI (which I'm grateful for, as I didn't have to learn them, lol). Everything is context (spoken) or kanji characters (written). It's actually almost never confusing, given context. (For example, you are unlikely to mistake "nose" and "flower" (hana) or "god," "paper," and "hair" (kami).
Another vote for the Lion King. I'm gonna be a might king, so enemies beware! :D

And I have no idea how many times I've seen Homeward Bound. Whenever I was sick as a kid, Mom would go rent it for me. You'd think she would have just bought it eventually. Chance is my all time favourite movie-dog.
I just watched "Hachi: A dog's story" tonight. Even knowing the story (I heard about the original story in Japan), it was still really touching. Well done. Worth a rent. :thumbup:

Is that the Akita who went to the train station every day for years looking for his dead owner? I've been meaning to watch that one.
Is that the Akita who went to the train station every day for years looking for his dead owner? I've been meaning to watch that one.

yeah. I just read the wiki summary, wow what a sad story!! i cant watch the movie or ill be ballin my eyes out