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7+ Year Member
15+ Year Member
Feb 1, 2004
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Sorry, one more stupid question. What is Oz? Where is Oz? I've seen this term spoken of on here and am sure that it refers to a region, but not sure what region it refers to. Is it rural Australia? Rural New Zealand? Both?

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rocker said:
Sorry, one more stupid question. What is Oz? Where is Oz? I've seen this term spoken of on here and am sure that it refers to a region, but not sure what region it refers to. Is it rural Australia? Rural New Zealand? Both?
Oz = Australia :D
rocker said:
Just Australia or New Zealand too? Thanks!

Just Australia = Aussie = Ozzie = Oz

New Zealand = NZ = Aotearoa = Land of the long White Cloud = Kiwiland (and to be fair, on occasion, Australia's South-East Islands)

The term 'Australasia' encompasses both Australia and NZ