Pain Management Needs in Texas

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15+ Year Member
Jul 7, 2009
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Group is looking to bring in a couple of pain physicians. Group is growing. All types of procedures are performed. Would like someone with the ability to effectively wean new patients off any medications in order to begin treatment with alternate options. Practice owned ASCs, additional procedural suites, modern offices and highly trained support staff and mid-levels (both NP's and PAs). Would like the incoming physicians to have TX license already, however, they have a couple of openings so would be able to wait for the right candidate. There is a nice salary with full benefits, upside bonus, partnership track, equity options and buy ins available though none is mandatory. Feel free to DM me for additional details and I can send you full description if there is an interest.

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Group is looking to bring in a couple of pain physicians. Group is growing. All types of procedures are performed. Would like someone with the ability to effectively wean new patients off any medications in order to begin treatment with alternate options. Practice owned ASCs, additional procedural suites, modern offices and highly trained support staff and mid-levels (both NP's and PAs). Would like the incoming physicians to have TX license already, however, they have a couple of openings so would be able to wait for the right candidate. There is a nice salary with full benefits, upside bonus, partnership track, equity options and buy ins available though none is mandatory. Feel free to DM me for additional details and I can send you full description if there is an interest.
Following up.