pasted wrong essay into the "Why... school of medicine"

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7+ Year Member
Aug 29, 2016
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I can't believe I didn't catch it before submitting and I feel like an idiot. That was the most important essay of them all. My chances at that school is now over and I wasted $75 for the dang secondary. Should I let the school know or just take the L?

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I can't believe I didn't catch it before submitting and I feel like an idiot. That was the most important essay of them all. My chances at that school is now over and I wasted $75 for the dang secondary. Should I let the school know or just take the L?
Water under the bridge, nothing you can do now. Sorry
Did you paste in an essay naming the wrong school (application killer, sorry) or just mis-place another secondary essay from your application? If it’s the latter, you could send the school an email with an apology and include the appropriate essay as an “update”.
Agree with @LunaOri . If you said things that were relevant to the same school but just answered the wrong prompt, no harm in reaching out to correct your application.

If you sent something that clearly was about a different school, well you just take the L
Agree with @LunaOri . If you said things that were relevant to the same school but just answered the wrong prompt, no harm in reaching out to correct your application.

If you sent something that clearly was about a different school, well you just take the L
This was the case-- no mention of another school just pasted the incorrect essay for the prompt. I have reached out to the school and I am waiting to hear back.