Paying for Pharmacy School

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Aug 14, 2006
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I would be applying for pharmacy school in 07 but at the moment I am $30,000 in debt already. I can't afford to depend solely on loans when I enter pharmacy school. Would it be professional of me to Strip(as a male dancer) to pay my through? I've been approached a couple of times in the past to consider doing it but declined.

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I would be applying for pharmacy school in 07 but at the moment I am $30,000 in debt already. I can't afford to depend solely on loans when I enter pharmacy school. Would it be professional of me to Strip(as a male dancer) to pay my through? I've been approached a couple of times in the past to consider doing it but declined.

Do it! I know plenty of strippers that got into pharmacy school. It's almost like the admissions people like to see it, since they see you are a hardworker and determined.
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It would be better to get loans. However, if you have no choice, you should do it to pursue your education.
if your children asked you how you managed to pay for pharmacy school, would you tell them you were a male stripper on the side?

but i guess if you have no other way to pay for pharmacy school, then go for it.
Strip to pay for your tuition for pharm school? I dont know about you, but my conscious wouldn't deal well with that. Going from one ethically 'sketchy' occupation, to another that requires a high standard of ethics is a bit two-faced if you ask me. :eek: I'd say, find a labor type job that pays fairly good, or just do the loan thing. These days, you can't even save up as fast as education prices are rising...
I imagine that most schools might have a problem with it in terms of your lack of professionalism. Don't let them find out or they'll give you the boot...
Wow...that's...such a great idea. I'm sending an application to the local housewife hut.

And just so you know, there is a former stripper in my pharmacy class.
How much will they pay?