paying for pharmacy school

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15+ Year Member
Sep 26, 2007
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Hey guys. I am looking to go to pharmacy school in August 2009. I am very concerned because I have a lot of credit card debt with a lot of missed payments and things in collection. My credit score is about 430. Pretty low I know. I'm wondering if the federal subsidizied and unsubsidized loans will be sufficient to pay for pharmacy school and have a little bit left over for living, because I don't think I would be able to get a private loan with my credit and my parents would not cosign. What is the maximum amount one can borrow from federal loans? Any advice or insight would be greatly appreciated. Thanks,


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I believe the max you can borrow total per year is around 42K. I've heard that this is plenty to get you through pharmacy school, living expenses and all (although I would be concerned with the really expensive schools). Max lifetime is over 100K. I would go to your financial aid office and pick up a federal student loan information package (it includes the application). Good luck!
I say start applying for scholarships as soon as you become accepted, apply for student loans really early. then as a very last option apply for private loans, through the school though.