Pediatric Board Exam materials

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boots lewis

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May 19, 2011
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Cleveland Ped Review Syllabus Hard copy
Osler Institute Ped Board Review MP3 audio and 6 CD set with Syllabus cd 2012
AAP PREP The Course (Board Review) CDROM 2013
Med Study Core curriculum 4th ed 2010/2011 all 5 books
MedStudy 2010 board-style questions*& answers
McGrawHill Ped Examination and Board review + than 1000 board-style Q&A
Kaplan Master the Boards Pediatrics Highest-Yield Review
Rypins Intensive Reviews Pediatrics
Lange current Diag & treatment 21st ed
and other textbooks
These are all in great condition. Can mail via USPS Priority.
If interested in any of these materials, please email me at [email protected]

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