Pediatric Boards 2023

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Misery to Okay

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5+ Year Member
Jan 1, 2019
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Starting this thread for those taking boards in 2023.
To start off would anyone be interesting in taking part in a group discount for medstudy? I could get a google sheet started if there are some who are interested.

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Take advantage of your electives and read a book you prefer.
I would prefer that you do TrueLearn during residency beside PREP questions.
Before the exam, do Medstudy questions.

write notes of the questions you answered incorrectly and review them ( as a quick summary note) multiple times before the exam.

PBR book and the 50 questions are USLESS ( i know this is different from what you read in these forums). PBR audio is just a read of the book itself. Please don't waste your money.

If you think you will pass without studying, then get ready to struggle!
A bit of counterpoint.
I failed the first time I took it and with PBR the second time around I increased my score by 17 and passed.
If you are like me who needs multi-modal repetition to get things to stick, then PBR is a godsend. They also will make you a schedule to keep you accountable.
Of course doing lots of questions is also important.
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If anyone is interested, I’m selling a set of the most recent Med study peds flashcards! $300 shipped! Excellent condition, and definitely helped me study for board this last cycle.
I'm selling the latest medstudy books in excellent condition for $400. please PM if interested
Also selling a version of the medstudy books and flashcards!
Is anyone out there? 👀 How's everyone doing with studying?
Anxiety is ramping up... Finished Medstudy Qbank, 2023 prep, almost done 2022... Just hoping all of this is going to be enough.
Same here. This is my second time taking it, so I've been going ham on questions (PREP, Truelearn, Boardvitals) + PBR.
I'm getting about 75% right on PBR practice questions, what's everyone else getting? I'm not sure if this is good enough
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I did medstudy mock (100 questions) and 72% !!! what other mock exams can I take? !
There is one that is provided by the ABP. I would leave that one for last. It's pretty close to the actual exam
anyone know if you lose access to ABP Self-Assessments if you failed once?
Not sure about if you fail, but if you pass, you can retake it. Guess they don't have a 2023 version yet...
There is one that is provided by the ABP. I would leave that one for last. It's pretty close to the actual exam
Anyone comfortable sharing what they got on the 200-question practice ABP exam?

I got a 75% this past weekend but I don’t know if that’s enough—I’m nervous because they say a “score of 80% or greater on the self-assessment is an indication that satisfactory performance may be achieved on the secure examination.”
So I'm taking it a second time. I scored a 175. At the time I scored a 79.5% on the assessment. Not to scare you, I think there were other factors that may have played a role in me not passing (including overall test taking skill as opposed to content)
So I'm taking it a second time. I scored a 175. At the time I scored a 79.5% on the assessment. Not to scare you, I think there were other factors that may have played a role in me not passing (including overall test taking skill as opposed to content)
Thanks for sharing. Some of the ABP practice questions were surprisingly very short, some you just needed to pick out one key word/phrase to get to the answer. Do you feel like the actual board questions were similar?
I no longer have acces to ABP self assessment.Is anyone able to message me/send it?
me too, I no longer have acces to ABP self assessment.Is anyone able to message me/send it? I won't mind paying for access.
With a choice between another year of PREP questions, continuing 2nd pass through MedStudy qbank, or Medstudy flashcards - what would you prioritize?
With a choice between another year of PREP questions, continuing 2nd pass through MedStudy qbank, or Medstudy flashcards - what would you prioritize?
I vote for the flashcards and daily questions to stay in shape!
What are some good last minute resources to review? Like compilation of high yield easy to confuse topics. Such as a table of all common AD, AR, X-link disorders etc.
Anyone else remembering a bunch of easy questions they got wrong? It’s really stressing me
I’m thinking sometime next week. Last year, results came out on Dec. 6th.
Anyone have the MOC dashboard on their landing page? It also says expires 12/31/2028. Wonder if it means anything, prob thinking too much.
I was getting 70's on the med study blocks right before the test and got 78.5% on that 2022 comprehensive SA on the ABP website. Have memories of only wrong answers, not sure what this week has in store for me.
Anyone have the MOC dashboard on their landing page? It also says expires 12/31/2028. Wonder if it means anything, prob thinking too much.
i do not and, of course, now i'm freaking out. sigh. anyone else have this?
I hate this wait. I keep checking when realistically it won’t come until weds or even next week
I have the MOC dashboard but I'm pretty sure I've never noticed it was gone. The only date on my entire dashboard is the "Final Date to Achieve Certification"
I have the MOC dashboard but I'm pretty sure I've never noticed it was gone. The only date on my entire dashboard is the "Final Date to Achieve Certification"
I thought the dashboard/the final date has always been there…
Failed within 10 points, can't see myself studying and going through this again 😪 anyone know if the Osteopathic peds boards recognized as well? Thinking just to take it.

How do you guys study while working
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Passed third attempt. I don't know how mentally I could have done it again. This year, I focused a lot more on test strategy and PREP questions. I realized it wasn't as much about the nit picky Medstudy stuff, although overall I was scoring higher than the year before.
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for those who feel shattered, i fully understand. i finally passed on my fifth attempt

i know the heartbreak. i know the despair after spending so much time and effort. i know the embarrassment and shame

what i did differently this year:

1. i created a spreadsheet that compared score reports for each past year. based on that, i ranked each of the content sections in order of which needed the most help
2. i then created a weekly schedule to hold me accountable. i work full time, so i knew i couldn’t spend hours each day. i dedicated like three hours each Sunday evening when my wife and kids were at church. during the week, maybe i would review a few things, but the weekend was it
3. im too far out to use prep. i didn’t want to pay for aap stuff. so i purely did medstudy. i went through the books meticulously. i created flashcards based on the content questions. i ended up not reviewing these as much as i thought i would, but the pure process of creating them was helpful
4. i went through ALL of it. the things that needed more work from the spreadsheet got multiple doses
5. starting about three months before the test, i started listening to the video reviews on my way to work. on the way home, i listened to mindless podcasts because my mind was fried from the day
6. i virtually attended the medstudy review course. i live on the west coast, so that meant waking at 3:30 to start at 4. it was like being in residency again… but the regimented nature was helpful. i sat in my home office and went to work. they have a ‘syllabus’ that is everything printed out, but i didn’t use it. i made a ‘journal’ and wrote down the things that stood out to me. some sections were two pages (pulm, urology). some were eight plus (ID, genetics)
7. from that point on, all i did was review that notebook. it was *me* who created it, so i knew everything in it and where to find it. also from that point on, all i did were questions
8. on the medstudy qbank, i usually did 25-40 questions at a time. about two months before, i started doing 100 questions blocks once a week to test. i only did study mode, because it helped with review. most of the time, averaged about 70-75% at this point. some days hit 80 and some days was in the 50s. just kept plugging away

i passed. after all this time. keep fighting for what you are after. it’s a test and it has absolutely no bearing on how good a pediatrician or person you are. you *can* do it